[Club] eNERGY-Club
Website: battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/984b94fa-1e26-400c-93dc-ce1c31ddc2e1/ •
Created: 2014-02-27
737h 2m
- eNERGY Club Community -
Feel free to send a request to join us (make sure you aren't already in 3 platoons, otherwise Battlelog won't accept your application.)
Platoon for News from the (PWNY) ALL Welcome RUSH 300 Tickets Server
Server Rules:
1. No Mortar / UCAV / M320 LVG/HE / AIRBURST!
2. Sniper/DMR - Limit: 5 Sniper/DMR slots per team
3. English or German in Chat (Not all Admins can speak German so pls respect that.)
Our Server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/984b94fa-1e26-400c-93dc-ce1c31ddc2e1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Attention:Commands you can use on PWNY Server!
Tells the Player their own Serverstats
Tells the Player their own Serverstats
Show up the player of the day
Tells the Player their own Sessiondata
Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server
Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server for specific period
!stats WeaponName
Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon
!rank WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon
!top10 WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player the Top10 Player for the specific Weapon of the server
!dogtags WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player his Dogtagstats
Feel free to send a request to join us (make sure you aren't already in 3 platoons, otherwise Battlelog won't accept your application.)
Platoon for News from the (PWNY) ALL Welcome RUSH 300 Tickets Server
Server Rules:
1. No Mortar / UCAV / M320 LVG/HE / AIRBURST!
2. Sniper/DMR - Limit: 5 Sniper/DMR slots per team
3. English or German in Chat (Not all Admins can speak German so pls respect that.)
Our Server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/984b94fa-1e26-400c-93dc-ce1c31ddc2e1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Attention:Commands you can use on PWNY Server!
Tells the Player their own Serverstats
Tells the Player their own Serverstats
Show up the player of the day
Tells the Player their own Sessiondata
Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server
Tells the Player the Top10 players of the server for specific period
!stats WeaponName
Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon
!rank WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player their own Weaponstats for the specific Weapon
!top10 WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player the Top10 Player for the specific Weapon of the server
!dogtags WeaponName
Privately Tells the Player his Dogtagstats