[GDR] 6te Panzerdivision
Created: 2014-02-28
5,833,595 / 3,306,000
2836h 28m
Got kicked without reason?
Our paying members join the servers with the "agressive join" method: they are on a list, whenever a GDR member joins, a radnom non-member gets kicked from the server. So no worries, this is not controlled by an admin and has nothing to do with you personally.
Our paying members join the servers with the "agressive join" method: they are on a list, whenever a GDR member joins, a radnom non-member gets kicked from the server. So no worries, this is not controlled by an admin and has nothing to do with you personally.
An alle Member hier habt ihr mal die Auflistung der Symbole über die wir uns immer so freuen :D
https://i.imgur.com/rv7ufBv.png [i.imgur.com]
https://i.imgur.com/rv7ufBv.png [i.imgur.com]
9 years ago • 1
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Visit our new 60hz Server. Enjoy the battle :D
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/33741266-d894-4d71-9f95-8316950680d5/GDR-6-Panzerdivision-Votemap-60hz-HC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/33741266-d894-4d71-9f95-8316950680d5/GDR-6-Panzerdivision-Votemap-60hz-HC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 1
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Hi, spiele jetzt schon jeden Tag auf Eurem Server und würde mich gern bei Euch bewerben!
9 years ago • 1
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Hi members wir machen den Server in Zukunft nachmittag voll hat früh keinen Wert.
9 years ago • 0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jHmyPD-LPE [youtube.com]
bestes lied und die sind noch aus unserem kaff xD
bestes lied und die sind noch aus unserem kaff xD
9 years ago • 0
Hi guys. If you want to get your new 60hz server populated run maps goldmud railway and caspian border :) those are populated all time :)
9 years ago • 0
Hi, was just banned from your server for 'cheating / hacking'. I don't hack.
Care to explain?
I was accused of camping in the base and warned by Henkeramlenker despite being at point B on Caspian Border destroying his team, because as he said: 'the other players told me'. I was then kicked for hacking after shooting Henkeramlenker at point A.
I'm really good in a tank, but I'm not a hacker; I hope you have a reason better than 'the other players told me'.
Played on your server for a long time, and very disappointed by this behaviour.
- Eiz.
Care to explain?
I was accused of camping in the base and warned by Henkeramlenker despite being at point B on Caspian Border destroying his team, because as he said: 'the other players told me'. I was then kicked for hacking after shooting Henkeramlenker at point A.
I'm really good in a tank, but I'm not a hacker; I hope you have a reason better than 'the other players told me'.
Played on your server for a long time, and very disappointed by this behaviour.
- Eiz.
9 years ago • 0
Moin Moin :-) iDmB fragt mal an ob ihr Interesse an nen Clanwar hättet :-) waren ja früher oft bei euch am zocken :-) server wird gestellt und ihr dürft aussuchen was ihr spielen wollt :-) mfg jan
9 years ago • 0
Ich denke ich spreche im namen des Clans das wir keine Clanwars machen. Wir sind und waren immer nen Fun Clan. Davon mal abgesehen haben wir in letzter Zeit wenig Aktivität im Clan wegen Sommer und so ;)
9 years ago
wäre ja auch nur so nen fun ding geworden :-) aber ok :-) euch weiter hin nette runden mfg jan
9 years ago
ERROR Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: basecamp.
Why ban without warning, Teisen91?
Why was the baseattack from your team ok???
Why ban without warning, Teisen91?
Why was the baseattack from your team ok???
9 years ago • 1
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I dont warn,we dont need players who only play fair when a admin is online. I banned the other guy too if this help you with your ego.
9 years ago
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/b928f722-2206-4579-abcb-4fc9b9ddd972/2-GDR-6-Panzerdivison-MixedMaps-64P-HC-1200Tickets/#live [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Hi, I was banned here for Base Rape, but it's not true. I followed for heli half a map and yes destroyed not far from enemy base. But, it's nor base rape at all.
hope you will unbann me.
Hi, I was banned here for Base Rape, but it's not true. I followed for heli half a map and yes destroyed not far from enemy base. But, it's nor base rape at all.
hope you will unbann me.
10 years ago • 0
hey leute, lasst mal bitte das kicken vom Server, nur weil man GDR member zerfetzt ! Ist diese Woche schon 2-3x passiert, bin eigentlich gern auf euren server, nur sowas ist lächerlich und nervt übel!
Antwort oder fragen auch gerne über PN, falls nötig.
Bunte grüsse
Antwort oder fragen auch gerne über PN, falls nötig.
Bunte grüsse
10 years ago • 0
2 / 5 comments
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Ich nehm an beim letzten kick war es BCR-Bissmarck, war mit N7Toaster unterwegs und mit noch einen. Aber Den letzten wo ich gegrillt hatte war BCR-Bismarck, darauf kam der kick.
10 years ago
Es kann auch sein das man manchmal für aggressive join gekickt wird wenn jetzt ein vip dem server beitritt aber ich werd mal mit Bissmarck drüber reden
10 years ago