[GRE] Proud to be Greek

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Created: 2014-02-27

17,909 / 53,000

645h 18m

Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψι
τοῦ σπαθιοῦ τὴν τρομερή,
σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν ὄψι
ποὺ μὲ βία μετράει τὴν γῆ.
Ἀπ’ τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένη
τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
χαῖρε, ὦ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριά

I would be grateful, if you sacrificed some of your precious time reading the entire presentation.

For the ones who fight for the blue and white flag, for the hymn.
For their mother country.
For those who would be willing to die for Hellas in case of war.
For those who take pride in their Greek nationality and dont feel ashamed of.
Because the true Greeks, "thank god for having them born Greeks" as Alexander the Great quoted.
And according to the ancients, "A Greek without pride of their nationality is not Greek".
Because "Greeks dont fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks"- Winston Churchill
"For the sake of historical truth I must verify that only the Greeks, of all the adversaries who confronted us, fought with bold courage and highest disregard of death.. " - Adolf Hitler
Because the absence of Greek people throughout the human history would be completely catastrophic.
In the linguistic factor, all western languages are integrally based on the greek language.
Latin is a copy of Greek with a mixture of some additional words.
Modern english is made up with greek words, 40% of them have a visible and confirmed Greek origin and another 30% have concealed and hidden Greek origin?
Could you even imagine that words such as video, vision, village or computer have Greek origin?
Did you know that the Greek language is considered the most rich, the one which has the most words?
There are 7 million basic Greek words, and about 70 million dirived? While english has 490.000, most of them having Greek origin.
This language also has a mathematical structure, meaning that, for some strange reason, many words with same meaning have the same lexarithmic result according to ancient Greek numbers. Α=1 Β=2 Γ=3 Δ=4 Ε=5 F=6 S΄= 6 Ζ=7 Η=8 Θ=9 Ι=10 Κ=20 Λ=30 Μ=40 Ν=50 Ξ=60 Ο=70 Π=80 Q=90 Ρ=100 Σ=200 Τ=300 Υ=400 Φ=500 Χ=600 Ψ=700 Ω=800 ΣΑΜΠΙ=900
This is an astrounding example...
If you make this process ΜΗΚΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΥ / ΔΙΑΜΕΤΡΟΣ which is the terminology of Pi in mathematics, 338+1016+940 = 2294 / 730 = 3,1424657534...!
Accuracy within the basic 3 numbers...

Or another example;
ΑΛΦΑ = 1+30+500+1= 532 =>5+3+2= 10 => 1+0= 1 (ΑΛΦΑ is 1 in the Ancient Greek numbers)

ΕΝ = 5+50 = 55 => 5+5 = 10 => 1+0= 1 (EN means 1)

ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ = 70+40+10+20+100+70+50= 360 (as many as the degrees of the circle, which is symbolised by this letter).
Even the Greek alphabet is a hidden hymn.
You should be proud of being a fluent speaker of this intellectually designed language.

The first computer (computer, because computer is the device which computes, coming from the greek κομβώ meaning "to calculate") is Greek too. You may well google it, Antikythera Mechanism. It dates back to 150-100 BC and was designed to predict astronomical positions and eclipses.
The first and accurate measurement of the perimeter of the earth was carried out by Eratosthenes, a Greek scientist, in the 5st century BC in an ingenius way.
Even the modern jet engine is based on a prototype, called Aeolipile created by Heron, a Greek scientist, dating back to 1st century AD.
Automatic doors were first invented in ancient Greece to assist the polytheistic society. As there were many Gods in Greece, the priests and other religious figures for each God had to come up with new ways to keep the masses coming with offerings. To this end, they created automatic doors that were placed within the altar at the place of worship. When a person made an offering to one of the Gods, the doors of the altar opened, thanks to a fire being ignited within the altar. This same idea was used to move statues within the place of worship. It is believed that Heron of Alexandria designed the first of automatic doors, which worked via compressed air or water. Evidence also exists that when someone lit the fire within the altar a thin rain of flavored water would pour down upon those attending the religious event in the temple, while various metal birds would sing and whistle and statues would move or fly. Other research has provided evidence to show that priests could effectively control the lighting inside and outside of the temple and produce an artificial fog to give to the litany a more mysterious character.
The first recording of "giving someone the middle finger" dates back to Ancient Greece. As a symbol of the penis, it was used to insult others.
While it might sound crazy, it is true that the first robot was designed and created by an Ancient Greek mathematician and general scientist named Archytas around 400-350 BC. Archytas, also known as “the father of mechanical engineering” was the one who designed and created a highly advanced, wooden pigeon that used compressed steam to make it function and fly. In his quest to learn how birds fly, Archytas decided to create his own bird because he felt like it would help him relate better to those he was studying. His bird was capable of flying between 200 or 300 meters before running out of steam, a unique achievement if one takes into account the era it was made. Despite the fact that Archytas created the specific artificial bird for a different purpose, he “accidentally” gave to the world the first robot and flying machine ever.
Ever wonder why the Ancient Greeks were invincible for hundreds of years? We have concrete proof that an Ancient Greece invented the first cannon. Of course, we are referring to the first steam cannon designed and created by Archimedes during the Siege of Syracuse. This specific weapon was highly advanced for its era and fired cannon balls that weighed about 26 kilograms. These cannon balls could cover an astonishing distance of about 1.100 meters. This cannon is widely considered to be the world’s first gun operated with steam.
Additionally, the convinience you have, to heat your ass up in those cold winters originates from Ancient Greece too, as well as the modern showers.
Even the enlightenment originating in the 17th Century was consequential to the fact that when Byzatium fell, the intellectuals moved to northern and central europe exposing the ancient Greek culture.
The europeans were so impressed that tried to duplicate them.
This lead to the age of enlightenment.
If there were no Greeks, throughout the history, modern historians estimate that the world would be long before medieval now.
Anyway, these are all historical facts.
The point of learning history is not to try to memorize those facts, but to try to imitate our ancestors' intelligent actions and disapprove and manage not to repeat their mistakes.
If i have learned something significant from history is that those who trully accomplished something, succeeded due to their loyalty to their country.
Who fights for their country is the only one who cannot be the loser.

Thank you for your time!

*Hope what was said above, dont make you think that any biological superiority/inferiority over other races is implied. All races are equal.*


lets make this platoon one of the best!PROUD TO BE GREEK!!!
11 years ago • 5 likes
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Welcome to a Multiplay BattlefieldGirl Server By Mileena_Mi!( Battlefield Hardline)
No Stupid Rules, All Weapons Allowed!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/ru/servers/show/pc/db467631-1979-4a15-9622-5cf14edd61af/MULTIPLAY-BATTLEFIELDGIRL-SERVER-BY-MILEENA-MI/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago
9 months ago
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
pws ginomai mempers??? pathsa apply alla den eida tpt
8 years ago
pos to bazo re man
8 years ago
10 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
paidia kalispera estila stin omada aithma a nthelete boreite na me dexteite exo 1.98 kd :)
9 years ago
Ασχετο μπορω να μπω Crew??
9 years ago
10 years ago • 4 likes
cool beans!
11 years ago • 3 likes
re pws kanw join
9 years ago
paidia elate oloi se enan server gia na paroume pontous
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 1 Like
pros ola ta melh tou platoon:epeidh to platoon xreiazetai pontous prepei toulaxiston 4 melh na einai mazi se enan (1) server giauto ton logo otan tha mpainete sto bf4 gia na paixetai k vlepete alla melh na einai se enan server tote na mpainete mazi tou!alliws opios den to kanei auto dysthxws tha fygei apo to platoon...h omadikothta panw apo ola!euxaristw.PROUD TO BE GREEK!
10 years ago • 1 Like
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tha prepei prwta na to sizithsw me ta alla paidia k tha sou pw.euxaristw! file mou
11 years ago
Ok tou laxiston se euxaristw pou to sizitas antitheta an i apofasi sas einai arnitiki i thetiki sto telos.
10 years ago
Ρε παιδιά τα Coolάδια που είναι μόλις 6 άτομα είναι ήδη Rank 1 και έχουν σπείρει τον όλεθρο. Πείτε για ποιο λόγο να έρθουν σε εσάς; Προφανώς στοχεύετε ψηλά για να τους καλείτε να ενωθείτε, αλλά όχι και να παίξουν σε χαμηλό επίπεδο τα παιδιά. Είναι όλοι division 1... Ελάτε εσείς με τους καλούς και υπόσχονται για κάθε νέο μέλος να τον σηκώνουν τουλάχιστον μία φορά αφού πεθάνει σε κάθε γύρο και όποτε ευκαιρούν θα του δίνουν και πολεμοφόδια... Να ξέρετε στον πρώτο αγώνα ο νέος παίχτης απλά θα κάνει το στόχο και θα σποτάρει...
10 years ago • 2 likes
Sry alla eimai idi se 3 platoons kai den mporw na mpw se parapanw!
10 years ago • 1 Like
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノEXPAND UR DONGSヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
10 years ago • 1 Like
I is proud greek. Please invite for many pilopita
10 years ago • 2 likes
παιδια συνεχιστε την καλη δουλεια και μεις θα προσπαθησουμε τα greek platoons να ανεβουν
10 years ago • 2 likes
Im Greek too, nastrovje
10 years ago • 1 Like