Created: 2021-02-06
126h 0m
After the initial explosion, ensuring you said "boom" loudly on detonation and left a nice crater. Find yourself a ping mountain or room corner. If using a mountain, make sure it is solid with little earth and definitely no moss. Bring boom balls and ask your fellow trans friend to bring zing sticks. Throwing flares in a triangular form will increase the ping, also remove all surrounding trees to illuminate any nearby interference. Timing your jump and shoot is also crucial. After the second detonation, have your squad yell "PING" repeatedly while jump zinging. ("ZING" can also be yelled). The first sign of a successful is hearing your squad say phrases like "yes", "got him", "fuck yeah nice" "first go", zing on" and/or " iv got the magic zingers", Also you will sometimes shed your cicada shell if you've been pinged successfully. You are now a dog of war. If you have zing sticks it is dog of war etiquette to remain in the area of operation and zing your fellow dogs. Pro tip: Finding areas with high levels of pin, such as under a 5G ping tower on goldmud and the ocean spray at high tide on paracel will highly increase the chance of zing.
After the initial explosion, ensuring you said "boom" loudly on detonation and left a nice crater. Find yourself a ping mountain or room corner. If using a mountain, make sure it is solid with little earth and definitely no moss. Bring boom balls and ask your fellow trans friend to bring zing sticks. Throwing flares in a triangular form will increase the ping, also remove all surrounding trees to illuminate any nearby interference. Timing your jump and shoot is also crucial. After the second detonation, have your squad yell "PING" repeatedly while jump zinging. ("ZING" can also be yelled). The first sign of a successful is hearing your squad say phrases like "yes", "got him", "fuck yeah nice" "first go", zing on" and/or " iv got the magic zingers", Also you will sometimes shed your cicada shell if you've been pinged successfully. You are now a dog of war. If you have zing sticks it is dog of war etiquette to remain in the area of operation and zing your fellow dogs. Pro tip: Finding areas with high levels of pin, such as under a 5G ping tower on goldmud and the ocean spray at high tide on paracel will highly increase the chance of zing.