[NODA] No One Dies Alone
Website: nodaclan.com •
Created: 2014-02-28
6,968,309 / 3,306,000
4575h 50m
This platoon is for all those times when you were playing as a public player and wanted to tell something to your teammate or ask something from your teammate and just simply didn't get a response or died in the process while typing and trying to stay vigilant. Say for instance when you want to repair a tank, and the little bugger drives away on you!
Let's face it, typing in a sentence can be like putting your gun down and tying your shoelace in the middle of a gunfight. How much nicer if you only have to speak. (or those without mics, listening to the chat instead of reading it when you want to be aiming)
That's what we're about. A better time playing.
I hope to attract a group of friends that can all play together without the aggravation of playing with strangers or starting new with every server you join.
This is not the Gestapo, so the expectations are just about zero. If you're a casual player looking for a community, this is the spot for you.
This platoon is for all those times when you were playing as a public player and wanted to tell something to your teammate or ask something from your teammate and just simply didn't get a response or died in the process while typing and trying to stay vigilant. Say for instance when you want to repair a tank, and the little bugger drives away on you!
Let's face it, typing in a sentence can be like putting your gun down and tying your shoelace in the middle of a gunfight. How much nicer if you only have to speak. (or those without mics, listening to the chat instead of reading it when you want to be aiming)
That's what we're about. A better time playing.
I hope to attract a group of friends that can all play together without the aggravation of playing with strangers or starting new with every server you join.
This is not the Gestapo, so the expectations are just about zero. If you're a casual player looking for a community, this is the spot for you.
Kicked by admin for no reason, Relog explain to them im not 12 yrs old you can explain why i was kicked. They got upset again kicked me saying i was trolling an admin?
Bunch of fucking children.. Talk shit over a keyboard you fucking pussies
Bunch of fucking children.. Talk shit over a keyboard you fucking pussies
9 years ago • 0
Your mouth shows everyone, why you were kicked. And anyone that has played on server knows you don't get kicked for NO REASON. YOu returned and whined, and whined and whined and called admin an asshole. What did you expect? A cookie?
9 years ago
Kicked from server yesterday b/c "kdr too high for noob friendly server." http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/681630476810308352/336608778/. [battlelog.battlefield.com] I was squad leader and had two squad members, Resistoner and Pintlasher, repairing my tank. All three of us were in TS so we were working together very efficiently. In such an instance, it is easy for anyone to get a high kdr on Zavod night. I understand your server being noob friendly, but I was playing normally and the enemy chose not to work together to take out my tank. Don't feel I should be kicked in such a circumstance.
9 years ago • 1
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Me and a friend were banned from your server. He was banned for having a Metaban. I was banned for standing up for him. Here is his Metaban profile with ZERO bans on it. http://metabans.com/player?i=R16G [metabans.com]
9 years ago • 0
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Sorry Blackout. Not interested in your buddies play time on Noda Servers. I understand you were upset your friend was banned. But you went overboard, resulting in your ban. This is all too common. I just rechecked his stats, and yet again a wipe. Again. not interested in this type of player. Thanks though.
9 years ago
HowieMandel01, I never went out of bounds. Uncap area does not extend to anywhere on the A to B road on Altai Range. It's not even close.
http://images.gamestar.de/images/idgwpgsgp/bdb/2457640/original.jpg [images.gamestar.de]
It's fine if you're gonna slay people for attacking from out of bounds areas but maybe you should actually learn where those areas are first. Just a suggestion.
http://images.gamestar.de/images/idgwpgsgp/bdb/2457640/original.jpg [images.gamestar.de]
It's fine if you're gonna slay people for attacking from out of bounds areas but maybe you should actually learn where those areas are first. Just a suggestion.
9 years ago • 0
Suggestion Noted. Still, you were out of bounds. FYI. if your going to fly just inside the line, threading the needle as it were, .. well we are not interested in that either. Thanks for your suggestion.
9 years ago
I'm willing to bet Noda Kicks for cheats and high kdr than most any other server. Your wrong.
9 years ago
Ummm... I was banned for hacking? I don't hack. I've been playing since bf4 launched, don't you think if I was hacking my stats would've been reset and/or I'd be permabanned by now?
9 years ago • 0
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
just got banned: Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: (h3ad_hunt3r) poaching in TS (IrishRedHawk) i have never been in your dam TS so why ban me for that reason, more like you got REKT and didnt like it!
9 years ago • 1
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visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
I was just banned for suspicious gameplay. I was in AA... check my stats.. I dont hack... and I'm kind of offended.
9 years ago • 0
O... and your website is down.. or I would have posted there. honestly I would rather get on teamspeak and sort this out.
9 years ago
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
just got banned: Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: (h3ad_hunt3r) poaching in TS (IrishRedHawk) i have never been in your dam TS so why ban me for that reason, more like you got REKT and didnt like it!
9 years ago • 0
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
why a have bean banned ? Charlie_Sedarka
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: High K/D. Suspect Gameplay. This Server is noob friendly. (Charlie_Sedarka)
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: High K/D. Suspect Gameplay. This Server is noob friendly. (Charlie_Sedarka)
9 years ago • 0
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
This Platoon is the best of the best that's the only thing I could say.
10 years ago • 5
Hi Noda, I recently started playing and I have been mostly playing on your server and have enjoyed it. I have always had respectful players on when I needed help and appreciated it. Would love to join you if I had the opportunity.
9 years ago • 0
Hello Noda Platoon. I recently joined one of your servers the other day and I was playing for a split sec until I was banned from your servers and the Reason was DooVeeOos...? no idea what that is. Was hoping you guys could unban me so I can play again.
9 years ago • 0
Hey NODA...Was playing on your server earlier and decided to load up my streaming software XSplit Gamecaster and was banned almost instantly. I'm not on the Master PB Banlist and was wondering if it was server side to lift the ban. Thank you
9 years ago • 0
visit http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
Hi, i had a good round on rough Transmission this morning rolling a tank! Why you guys banned me?
9 years ago • 0
Check this out D3:
http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
http://nodaclan.com/server-information/server-list/server-rules/ban-appeal/ [nodaclan.com]
9 years ago
I think it would be awesome if you guys let me join. Go Check out my application and see if i'm worthy to join ha ha. Thanks, Chambito17
9 years ago • 2
hey heads up, youve got a hacker in right now. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/Treejuana/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0