[FE1] Friendslist Extensions

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Website: www.oldguys.eu/member.php?2639-jimdijkstra86nl • Created: 2014-03-14

1,444 / 10,000

1h 38m

If you want info, Looking for Contact...Whatever it is Please send me a PM and don't post it in forums.
On Platoon private page is fine as well

Is there someone else I know for a long time interested and willing to help creating the biggest friends-list ever....
The platoon is created due to the limit of a 100 friends.
This also to make a point to EA and Dice about the dumb-ass(not to offend) idea for the limit of a 100 friends...Give us a 1000!
But most of all for people to stay in touch with each other.
EA/Dice and BattleLog/Battlefield team: trade 95% of my origin cloud storage (Wich is 1GB ATM!, only couple MB's are used) that comes with the game and use the storage for useful purposes such as the storage of 250 friends per game at the least!
Besides the Origin cloud storage is pointless cuz we can't fill it up anyway. (If anyone knows a better solution please contact staff of the platoons, especially if you know a way to utilize the Origin cloud storage)
EA/Dice Battle-log/battlefield team please give us a limit of at least 1000 friends!!!
I personally ''JimDijkstra86NL'' could easily already have added 6000+ friends by now (serious realistic number!)...give us the capability to have large friends list already!!

If any of my long known contact member/staff feels like picking up on this project please notify me and join the platoon.

If you cant contact me on BattleLog or access my profile on the link please Sign up as guest @ www.OldGuys.euOld Guys Gaming homepage and send me a PM via my profile on the platoon Main Link. [oldguys.euold]


why you have banned me?
7 years ago • 0 Like