[B4SP] Suomalaisten Klaani

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Created: 2014-11-11

4,555 / 13,000

54h 5m
Jooh elikkäs tuota niin niin, jos ja kun teitä kiinnostaa nii SUOMALAISET (et siis sinä sveamammanpoika joka luet tätä) liittykkää platooniin ja facebookista löytyy sivu https://www.facebook.com/groups/632472086829626/?fref=ts [facebook.com] joka liittyy aiheeseen! :) Ja ruottalaisille näytettään persettä... Ja muistakkaaki pelata sitten perkelleen hyvin tai tullee maiharin kuva persuuksille ja lennättä platoonista ko laatta sunnuntai aamuna!


7 years ago • 0 Like
on tääl kyllä niin hyvää porukkaa xD. istutaa bases ja ammuskellaan jollain vitun ucavilla sieltä si :D. jatkakaa
8 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago
How can your platoon Play with a sucker like Fin-Dj?
9 years ago • 2 likes
It's not your business...
9 years ago
i see many reports agains this player ,but platoon leader doing nating
9 years ago
One member of your clan kept screaming that we are hackers. Kept screaming that we are gonna be reported. It's a shame for your clan, really. I believe this kid was called Fin DJ. Disgrace for your team guys...
9 years ago • 1 Like
Same is her at my server Fin-DJ
9 years ago
Fin DJ. Stop crying an play the game properly. learn to use your weapon you fucking noob
9 years ago • 1 Like
9 years ago
I ask you therefore to external servers bit to be polite
I think it is to be so rude to your clan,
When I see the platoon forum, do as you go with feedback to
images this person joint our server and start all insulting = Fin-DJ
9 years ago • 0 Like
U just keep ur mouth shut, AIMBOTTER loser nuubs have been reported. DOT !
9 years ago
Fin DJ. Stop crying an play the game properly. learn to use your weapon you fucking noob
9 years ago
I agree that!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Pidä sä Huijari admin vaan turpas kiinni ja mee päivittämään aimbottias. Osmaton paskakasa, muuta et oo. Käytät kaiken lisäks noita admin oikeuksias väärin. Ootko ylpee saavutuksistas? Ha ha ha haaaaa :)
9 years ago
Ainoa pelle olet sinä!!Parut kun pikkukakara kun joku vaan sut kerran tappaa.Mistä tollasia helvetin megaidiootteja syntyy??Iam done..plz die in real life.
9 years ago
Fin-DJ is the most annoying noob I ever met. If someone kills him more than once, he's gonna be called a hacker. That idiot needs to learn to play and stop whining. To B4SP clan: your noob member is making you look bad. I really hope I'll never see that fucktard again. Plus, that prick actually believes that if he reports someone, he's gonna be "doomed". What an IDIOT! Major leage idiot, no contest ^^
9 years ago • 4 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
Only funny guy here is U ''C thru walls'' nuub ;)
9 years ago
mitä vittua??
9 years ago
We are running monthly in clan reward the winner will get a hardware reward like mouses, headsets, keyboards and graphics cards. So if u want to join you are mostly welcome but first you have to join GC clan and register in our website.
All players who wish to join the monthly inclan matches must be a member of Gamers community and should be active
We have two servers:
1. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/0f53cc64-bee0-40dd-8e76-74f09be17dcd/GC-GAMERS-COMMUNITY-No-Shotgun-www-gamers-community-net/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
2. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/24321ec0-68b5-4bf0-aaca-03480e3f5cea/GC-Sniper-and-Knife-only-www-gamers-community-net/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Clan page: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5797084364902578792/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Website page: http://gamers-community.net/third-gc-match-prize/ [gamers-community.net]
Team speak 3 address: gamers-community.net
9 years ago • 0 Like
Moro :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
ny ei tunnu missää!....ehehee hekong ..t honkg..sotilaallisesti..hong vaa... ku pelkkä korpraali olen arvolta nottatuota..!
9 years ago
Fin-DJ a team of cheats? but you know what you're talking rookie? you're a bad player does not entitle you to open your mouth saying stupid things, you stay and EA warned if yours has a real report by the peloton by smartass and falsely accused. Charged with real reasons and not with a pink castle in the air; if you had problems on our server so you get well, EA rules against servers are very clear, I pay and are my rules, no one can ban me and nobody uses hacks on the server.So you learn first because your stats pitiful playing in 800 hours of play and have those statistics I can only tell you two things; or you're a camper or you're a lousy player
9 years ago • 1 Like
un equipo de chetos? pero sabes de lo que hablas novato? que tu seas un mal jugador no te da derecho a abrir la boca diciendo estupideces, avisado quedas y EA si tiene un reporte real tuyo por parte de TODO el PELOTON por listillo y acusar con falsedad. Acusa con motivos reales y no con un castillo de color de rosa en el aire; si has tenido problemas en nuestro servidor que por eso te pones asi, las normas de EA frente a servidores son muy claras, yo pago y son mis normas, nadie me puede banear y nadie usa hacks en el servidor. asi que aprende primero porque tus estadisticas dan pena como jugador en 800 horas de juego y tienes esas estadisticas solo puedo decirte dos cosas; o eres un camper o eres un jugador pesimo
9 years ago
Kukkuluuruu,,,,, mitä kuuluu ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
pelit mennee päin vittua eikä pilluakkaan tunnu ennää irtoavan, nii ei se häävisti mene...
9 years ago
no ei toi kovin hyvältä kuullosta mutta ei täällä paljon paremmin mene itelläkään :)
9 years ago
Hiio Hoi ja hertta perseessä!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like