[TGHA] The Great Heathen Army
Website: discordapp.com/channels/298191290259079169/298191290259079169 •
Created: 2016-11-07
29m 2s
Only People that are Pagans/Wicca/Heathens that follow the Way to Valhalla.
Or are a Viking At Heart becuse that was all that was recuired to be a True
Speaking Swedish,Norwagian,Dannish and (English).
All Pagans/Wicca/Heathens are Wellcome to This Group i Wellcome you all to my Shieldwall and Meadhall of Glory.
The purpules of this group is to United the pagans/Wicca/Heathens Araound the World Under a single Banner. To Bouth Hounor the gods and make them proud and Have some Fun with my Brothers and Sisters in the Shieldwall at the same time.
We Got (9) Rules.
Nr:1 Respect all as you like to be threted
Nr:2 Bulling is not allowed and we takes that in the highest level of dishonor/disrespect.
Nr:3 no porn,hate,or disrespectfull thots you like to say or share, That you can share with your friends becuse we all dont have the same thots and oppinions as you might have.
Nr:4 what says in the group stays in the group if there is any sesetive talk appering.
Nr.5 Be a Good Friend and Sportsman.
Nr.6 No Trash Talk allowed.
Nr.7 Be Humble and Kind and some time Agressive if you need to let the anger go away but if you need that then i Recommend you do it on a dummy with a Sword and Shield;)
Nr.8 Help your Brothers/Sisters in Arms becuse when you help a Shield Brother or a Shield Sister you Will get the Help Back when you need it as Most. And the Most Important Rule of them all.
Nr.9 Honor The Old Gods. Wellcome Brother/Sisters of Odin and Freya.
And if you need propary Viking Stuff bouth Modern and Historly accurate Go to his Webbsite in the Link bellow to my Friends from Grimfrost
http://grimfrost.com/en/ [grimfrost.com]
And if you have Steam or want to make some new friends the Shieldwall then click on this link bellow to my Group in Steam.
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NYPU [steamcommunity.com]
Or are a Viking At Heart becuse that was all that was recuired to be a True
Speaking Swedish,Norwagian,Dannish and (English).
All Pagans/Wicca/Heathens are Wellcome to This Group i Wellcome you all to my Shieldwall and Meadhall of Glory.
The purpules of this group is to United the pagans/Wicca/Heathens Araound the World Under a single Banner. To Bouth Hounor the gods and make them proud and Have some Fun with my Brothers and Sisters in the Shieldwall at the same time.
We Got (9) Rules.
Nr:1 Respect all as you like to be threted
Nr:2 Bulling is not allowed and we takes that in the highest level of dishonor/disrespect.
Nr:3 no porn,hate,or disrespectfull thots you like to say or share, That you can share with your friends becuse we all dont have the same thots and oppinions as you might have.
Nr:4 what says in the group stays in the group if there is any sesetive talk appering.
Nr.5 Be a Good Friend and Sportsman.
Nr.6 No Trash Talk allowed.
Nr.7 Be Humble and Kind and some time Agressive if you need to let the anger go away but if you need that then i Recommend you do it on a dummy with a Sword and Shield;)
Nr.8 Help your Brothers/Sisters in Arms becuse when you help a Shield Brother or a Shield Sister you Will get the Help Back when you need it as Most. And the Most Important Rule of them all.
Nr.9 Honor The Old Gods. Wellcome Brother/Sisters of Odin and Freya.
And if you need propary Viking Stuff bouth Modern and Historly accurate Go to his Webbsite in the Link bellow to my Friends from Grimfrost
http://grimfrost.com/en/ [grimfrost.com]
And if you have Steam or want to make some new friends the Shieldwall then click on this link bellow to my Group in Steam.
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NYPU [steamcommunity.com]