[Bad] Rekt by Diego
Website: battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/user/nxs_diego/ •
Created: 2015-04-14
6h 37m
Speller made the platoon <3
This is a platoon where all the cheeky scrublords who have been rekt by Diego can come together and tell tales of their filthy casual ways. They will speak of how they once were the kings of spamming scout elites and G18s before being rekt by the almighty Diegod. Every member will be forced to pray every night to Diego and his almighty companion, the Xim4.
After joining this platoon, you will have to complete the initiation. The initiation is where we all gather around for circle time and listen to how our new filthy casual member was rekt by the almighty Diegod. Then, Diego will approach you and slap you across the face with his Xim. He will come close to your ear, and whisper his holy words: "LOL You're garbage kid and you play for a team nobody cares about just shut up please hahahahaha".
This is a platoon where all the cheeky scrublords who have been rekt by Diego can come together and tell tales of their filthy casual ways. They will speak of how they once were the kings of spamming scout elites and G18s before being rekt by the almighty Diegod. Every member will be forced to pray every night to Diego and his almighty companion, the Xim4.
After joining this platoon, you will have to complete the initiation. The initiation is where we all gather around for circle time and listen to how our new filthy casual member was rekt by the almighty Diegod. Then, Diego will approach you and slap you across the face with his Xim. He will come close to your ear, and whisper his holy words: "LOL You're garbage kid and you play for a team nobody cares about just shut up please hahahahaha".