[snow] Snow

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Website: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsc8zegzefo • Created: 2015-07-12

6,246,958 / 3,306,000

1736h 35m
#1 #1 #1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drfpiMKHrcI&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]

Press 'F' to pay respects

BEFORE you apply:
Send any of us a friend request and get to know us (and we get to know you!) :D
No need to be MLG and we don't have serious rules. We'd prefer if you have a mic but not required. Just a good attitude!
Some of us do play other modes (Conquest/TDM) but we're mainly rush players.
Play as a squad and have fun!!!

https://vid.me/uPMH [vid.me]

.Thanks to MyDogAteC4 for making our awesome website :D


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZet-eU1WgY [youtube.com]

^Most MLG anime stuff ever

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IajpBuRUiSI [youtube.com]


To the guys applying to SNOW - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1668805823485667285/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

please join this platoon. We plan on getting a rush server in the near future.
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
lel get rekt tommy
8 years ago
predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
An ode to MGRA starring SirJefferson and BigB0ssss:

Jeff has cum on his face, he's a big disgrace, sucking Bigb0ssss' dick all over the place!
8 years ago • 1 Like
8 years ago
8 years ago • 1 Like
Jane hopes in some small degree,

to help bring clans together. Hopes to be a bridge. Many of us will meet again in BF1.

Jane has been playing BF seriously for, only a few months..Started playing it years back during the 1942 days. What a great game that was..

Assault / Sniper was Jane's thing. If need be, Jane can always revert back to, what Jane knows best.

Jane has gone on servers all over and competed in the hope, to bring great players, to the same field of battle. Why? To get better..

I have always respected Snow... Some of the toughest players Jane has faced play for Snow.

Shout out to my sista...Sugeo... We'll be hunting tags together.

Soon in BF1....The Rise of Jane... keep it clean...
We r Jane.....emotions guide us.

Respect Always...
8 years ago • 2 likes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtf7wighGG0 [youtube.com]

pro tip for my homie navarro - Press 'Q' to spot slams
8 years ago • 0 Like
Bigbossss of MGRA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yNgrIkOf7c [youtube.com]

Imagine a team with him and iverswagg as the lead players... That would be a tough team to beat...

I would love to see it...

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello Snow,
Hope everyone is well..
Just found out Snow doesn't get along with MGRA...Bummer.. Jane is on MGRA's ESB team.
Been playing as a teammate with Bigbossss for, sometime now... By studying Bigbossss in the tank, Jane set a personal high in the Tank, the other day. +52 Skill is that good?

He doesn't cheat.. At least,
in my experience.... I've played with my teammates for sometime and Jane is defending them. Because, Jane isn't quitting her team.. Jane proudly plays for the ESB..

We should battle Snow against MGRA what a battle that would be..
Jane is up to the task...ready let's do this ... what r u waiting for ... ready let's go..
R U...
Respect always.
We r Jane ....emotions guide us...

Thank You for your time.
8 years ago • 1 Like
8 years ago • 0 Like
hey guys xD
https://youtu.be/buJ-QaGVPNA [youtu.be]
8 years ago • 1 Like
8 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago • 0 Like
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
8 years ago
did you get some sleep?
8 years ago
Wanted to commend Snow, you are so much better than MGRA! Jefferson and Guava were on a losing streak last night, getting owned by noobs. Really sad gameplay.
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Ever since I met Bigboss I have wanted to be just like him. I adore him. He is my hero, and continues to be the only one I ever look up to. I have bought 14 different accounts in an effort to replicate his massive number of accounts. We have also recruited several cheaters into SNOW because we have realized that we cannot win without playing alongside cheaters. But I know that this will not be enough. In order to be even close to as skilled as bigboss I need as many reps as he has, not one repper, or two, or even three, I need more. I need 4 reppers licking my ass whilst still managing to die, only then will I possess the inmatchable tank skills that my lord posesses. After I died, I must yell at my team for not licking my ass enough, then I grab my glorious MBT law, just as master would, and fire at the enemy tank. But sometimes, the tank is already dead. Now it is time to SET BEACONS AND STINGER THE FUCKING MAV. Master has taught me will in this craft, and I would go as far to say I am very skilled at using stingers and setting up beacons for parachute C4/Airburst. Then my squadmates are able to take to the roofs with their FLIRs and mortars and rain cover fire down on all the infantry that even attempt to push up. Using my lord's strategy I have won the round, thanks to quad reps, several cheaters I recruited, FLIRs on the roof, stingers on their mav, the beacons I have set, and the MBT laws that have been spammed(I am very skilled at this too, I must add.) Now it is time for me to talk shit, but I am afraid I cannot talk more shit than bigboss, the entire world must know how skilled my master is, I only hope I can live up to his self proclaimed skills. But I still feel I'm only half way there. I am sorry to end this, but I must go spectate him now, as I have done for over 2000 hours now, in the hopes that I am able to further comprehend the elaborate strategies bigboss uses to win rounds. See you all on the Battlefield.

Always improving,

8 years ago
You are learning young one. All you need is for your girl to pay your bills, as you have not but a part time job.
8 years ago
highlight reel of a guy with 79 skill 0_0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3567Auji_0 [youtube.com]
8 years ago
Dear Everyone, I'm going to do a platoon highlight video, I'd like you all to record your best moments, link me them in 'unlisted' videos on youtube, and I'll put us together a ridiculously amazing teamtage alright snow! UNITE!.

Also, I'm buying us a TS server.
8 years ago • 1 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago