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Website: 4thmsob.clanwebsite.com • Created: 2014-02-27

6,280 / 25,000

175h 53m
4th Marine Corps Special Operations Battalion

Clan presentation below just click on view full presentation, please read

Requirements/rules for this platoon:
1.Work as a team
2.Follow orders
3.No malicious trolling
4.Speak english
5.Be at least 13
6. Mics are preferred but not necessary
7.no recruiting our members into other platoons
8.if you can please try to add as many clan members as you can to your psn friends list
9.you can be a member of another platoon as long as 4thMSOB is your active
10.please try to check the platoon feed frequently and try to be on psn a couple days a week if you can

Every wendsday and saturday the clan plays together from 6:00pm to 10:00 pm eastern time

attendance is not mandatory meaning you dont have to show up if you dont want to. Also these are just scheduled times to play bf4 together so clan members can know when they can expect to be able to play together, we can and do play together on other days

About 4thMSOB:

4thMSOB is a semi-comp clan meaning we are both layed back but can be serious when we need to and we dont require you to be online everyday although we would like it if you could make it to the clan play days but if you cant we will understand. We dont do clan battles yet although we will in the future and our spec ops(MSOT) team will be a big part of clan battles, if you are interested in the MSOT team, there is more about it below

4thMSOB is based in the United States but has members from all over the world, as long as you can speak english good enough that we can understand you and you can understand us then it dosent matter where you are from

Eastern time is the official time zone of 4thMSOB and all posts regarding times will be posted in EST.

Both myself(steg) and treehugger are always available to talk, so if you want to talk to us about anything, wether it be a disagreement with another clan member, advice about anything, or new ideas for the clan please feel free to talk to us

About the spec ops(MSOT) team:

The spec ops team is a sub division of 4thMSOB containing only the best playing, most active, and most loyal members of 4thMSOB, these guys will be the spear heads in clan battles and in regular games. if you want to be a part of it talk to steg or one of the officers(leaders), then we will ask you some questions such as why you want to join MSOT, etc. then you will have a try out and if you make the cut then you will be in MSOT.
The MSOT team will have weakly practice and training sessions to teach you new battlefield tactics and to hone your current ones

If you have any questions about the spec ops team just ask steg

Platoon server name: 4thMSOB's server


XO(executive officer):treehugger0319


On_A_Vacation verecken sollst du wichser hoffe deine eltern verecken elendig und du schwuchtel bekommst aids
9 years ago • 0 Like
A.N.N Ajan Network news presentation :after research and analysis, we came to the conclusion that AJAN CLAN with 11.000.000 Points make the first place on Battlefield 4 game in Turkey.We have 500 Clan members need the same 1.Place in Turkey and top 3 of a World in Battlefield 4 Platoons.We have many Clan members from around the World, so we have created a new clan AJAN WORLD for you.You are welcome when like to Play with us. I am ABOKOM Asbera say to you, enjoy it.
4. Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com] [battlelog...
1.Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com] [battlelog...
2.Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com] [battlelog...
3. Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/.../ [battlelog.battlefield.com] [battlelog...
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
Hi quick question how many people are former marines in your clan?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Greetins , we're looking for domination 10 vs 10 add me if ur interested :D
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
Sorry man we havent done a clan battle before(although we are looking for one) so we want to start off small
10 years ago
how many players you can gather , we can do 4 v 4 if you want to
10 years ago
Steg, you obviously lack the basic concepts of negotiating and compromise. So I'm giving you an ultimatum...

You can

A: By Monday, have a suggestion/plan on where we are playing, with at least 6-7 members etc...

B: By Monday, contact me privately or publicly that you are open for actual negotiations (meaning both parties get some elements of what they want incorporated)

C: Admit that you are not ready to face us quite yet, by Monday

If you fail to do any of three options, we will call it off, as we will have to assume that you are indeed insecure in your men's abilities to combat The Democratic REVOLT.

If anyone has any questions feel free to contact.
-Corrieri (Me,obviously)
-Lanceleonheart- (Very involved in coordinating events)
-PttyCk (Our "Official head of Foreign Affairs")
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 13 comments Read more
Hi just passing through that corrieri guy seems like a total jackass
10 years ago
OMG blackberry, I love you.
10 years ago
Hey, would your "dear leader" want to smite RVLT? Maybe defuse?
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
18 v 25? You afraid of a fair fight corrieri
10 years ago
Apparently, there was a major misunderstanding. At the time, you had 18 I had 25. I wanted me to select 5 out of my 25 while you use 5 out of your 18. If you still don't understand feel free to contact me
10 years ago
Message has been hidden
10 years ago • 0 Like
can i join this platoon
10 years ago • 0 Like
you guy looking for any scrims?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Im interested in joining, will one of the leaders message me on here or on psn: ArkhamGod

10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey i accepted your friend request but my battlelog is being stupid so i cant send a chat message can you send me one?
10 years ago
UKEF is looking for some competition. Interested?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Wow i just noticed that this was here
10 years ago
Steg, how old are you?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Why do you want to know?
10 years ago
Alright corrieris post has been around long enough and i think all the members have seen it by now but at this point its just driving away members who are probably thinking that we are a clan full of twelve year olds who dont know how a clan works so im gona delete the posts now
10 years ago • 1 Like
hi there. i would like 2 join ur clan im best in armoured vehicles, a good team player and i use to play in competitive clan battles
10 years ago • 0 Like
You fellas looking for a clan match? Rush Dom or defuse? Just add me if interested. Cheers
10 years ago • 0 Like
Corrien said he would like me to join this clan for any other leaders or founder who does not know.
10 years ago • 0 Like
hey corrieri tried to accept your friend request but your friends list is full! :-(
10 years ago • 0 Like
Corrieri, your friends list is full bro, I can't accept your friend request.
10 years ago • 0 Like