[FsHM] Megalodons

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Website: www.fshplatoon.com • Created: 2014-02-27

49,194 / 176,000

1089h 15m
NOTICE: There are still bugs in the game server setup, which include moving players. We will make every attempt to address and correct team assignments as the bugs are ironed out. Please be patient with the admins as we are at the mercy of DICE's timeline.

Welcome to Megalodon!

The is the highest tier of the FsH Platoon. Megalodon members are carefully selected and have proven that they possess the necessary skill set that is required to succeed in Battlefield. Our main criteria fall into 5 categories:

1. Respect
2. Communication
3. Teamwork
4. Common Sense
5. Fun

We do not subscribe to the use any sort of cheating, hacks, mods, modded controllers, aimbots, etc. Because of our firm stance against this practice, it is our policy to discharge any member guilty of employing it without warning. This policy helps to ensure the integrity of fun gameplay experiences.

Respect is the highest priority, if anyone in Megalodons is disrespectful to you, contact a leader and it will be addressed expediently as we believe each member and/or player should be treated with dignity.

If you are interested in joining Megalodons, you must first join the Fish Platoon


hey guys pdhm here seeing if you would like to do a 5v5 on the 360? please message back as fast as possible a hasty respond is very appreciated.. look forward to speaking in the future and thanks
10 years ago • 0 Like
District10+8-5(4*50) got mad.....I'm glad....He sent me bad message. Just because I beat him with no platoon friends but he had his Mega bros......angwwwwy rabbit.....Hahaaha...I would be mad too...Now comes the anger from Megalas!!! Oh and erase this message because I told you to and it will upset District10-3+4-^*67(7+9). He says I cheat!!!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like
would yall be up for a scrim on dom or conq? prefer ground maps. hmu on live to set up! thx guys!
10 years ago • 2 likes
It's nice to see some people who give us a run for our money! We hope to see you guys in the future, as well!
11 years ago • 2 likes
found out why the system doesn't work with the last update... heard you have to remove all the updates from your xbox hard drive and then clear the cache... once you do that it should run again after you install update 8 on it's own.
11 years ago • 0 Like