[COMM] COMM Gamers

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Website: www.reddit.com/r/commgamers/ • Created: 2014-02-25

75,582 / 90,000

517h 41m
Gaming is better with friends! We want to enable gamers to connect to each other, become parts of groups, and develop true, online friends.

We believe the stigma that gamers are anti-social is simply not true. People often play games because it is an easy way to engage with a community of people that are just like us, share our interests, and want to work together with us. We want to make gaming communities acceptable social circles for forming friendships and relationships.


Hello!, if you are looking to join COMM we ask that you post in the recruiting thread on our Reddit page that is linked just above our rank. After that we can send you some information on how to join up with our mumble and other things like that. Have a wonderful day!!!
11 years ago • 4 likes
hey what is TheRealBoBeans name?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone i would like to join your group im a very active battlefield 4 player
First Name-Seth
Location/Time Zone- Wisconsin/central time
Steam/Origin Username(s) steam-J0ker, Origin- J0ker932
i would like to join your platoon because im having a hard time finding freinds to play with that have mics i play battlefield 4 allot and i like to play killing floor 2 and skyrim im only playing battlefield 4 at the moment untill i can afford a new case and bigger hard drive i would really like to join you guys. Thank you!
9 years ago • 0 Like