[sNa] Shock N Awe

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Created: 2014-03-22

12,410 / 176,000

1257h 13m
We are a community of gamers, both casual and competitive, we believe that Battlefield is best enjoyed with friends! Our members are friendly and enthusiastic people, mostly from USA and UK, however everyone is welcome! We are always looking to expand so if you want to join, drop a line to one of our members!

Our TS:

See you on the battlefield!!!


AimKing000 faggot cheater SLUT!
6 years ago • 0 Like
Hello! I have a little question. Do you guys do some scrims? Because, i can help y'all. If you want me to join, just add me, and judge my Gameplays. Also, you can always check my YouTube channel. (For some proof (how I play)). I hope i'll see you again ! Peace!
7 years ago • 1 Like
hey, thanks for your comment! we used to but since bf4 is pretty much dead, and a lot of people in our community left/shifted to different games, it's difficult to even put a team of 5. We are currently awaiting the next Battlefield (personally I hate BF1) to see if we can revive sNa a little. I'd be more than happy for you to run with us, but it'd be more likely on a pub server rather than a scrim, at least in the near future.
7 years ago
Guys..... Love playing on the server but have a question about this player on there:

Consistent Scorer
SPM 2804
Skill 31
Accuracy 20%
Best Weapon 870 MCS
Best Vehicle BTR-90
Score/Min 2804

Those stats yet that SPM, is he legit or a hacker?
9 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for your question captDoombar but I can confirm that Operator560 is a legit player. See you on the battlefield!
9 years ago
btw, I love how your PC looks, is this an actual picture of it?
9 years ago
I'm curious. Do you run a varied server? SQDM seems somewhat limited in the long view.
Variety, In my experience, Variety leads to a better player base. One tends to attract players if the server is not locked into a certain format.
I'm just saying.
P.S. Fer variety yer gonna need more Psuedo-Admins. Peeps that can change the server based on customer input. I.E. Change map or type of map.
I wish no part of it. I'm just a player. Playing is good enough fer me.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Hey thanks for input Nutzy, we can certainly look into putting votemap plugin in place however most of us do prefer playing domination hence the server is purely domination based.
9 years ago
Hey Nutzy hope you like our new server, any further input is welcome!
9 years ago
hi guys i have played with you guys before mainly niceman and was asked to join the platoon, i would love to but would only be interested unless you guys have a competitive scrim team
9 years ago • 2 likes
hey l3mon, welcome to the team!
9 years ago