Hello, Lions. I played a little earlier today with JesusInThePit and am interested in playing with a clan. What are the initiation rites? Do I have to bring gifts such as virgins or shrubberies? Lemme know!
You are more than welcome to join up with us. You seem like the type of guy that we want in our clan. I sent you an invite on battlelog and if you are interested join us!
Thanks everyone for joining up in the platoon. As we grow bigger other clans are going to challenge us on the battlefield< I believe we have a well rounded squad and would like to do it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them here.Planning on a Friday night meetups get together with everyone so that we can play as a team and get to know each other a little better! Once again a Big Thanks for joining up with The Iron Lion Firm! Catch you all on the battlefield!