[Bull] Bullet Junkies

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Created: 2015-11-20

958 / 10,000

34m 37s
We are a clan of former members of the revo clan. But due to some differences with the host we decided to make our own clan. This clan is since we are small only focused on Battlefield 4 but when we have more members we want to branch out to other games. Our platfrom is xbox one.

When we are big enough we want to do clanbattles/tournaments but for now we focus on playing together. When we are outside of a battle we want have fun. However when we are playing a battle we go for the win and nothing else.

Anyone can apply as long as you speak english, or dutch. Decisions here are made over all leaders/founders so one here has the clan onder his/her command.

We want to retna server eventually and also have our own website but that can take some time.

A headsup for our rules in the clan:
- Have a mic and can speak english or dutch
- Have fun while playing
- When in a batlle try to play your class and play the objective.

If you apply and you are approved you need to play some games with some of the other leaders to see how well you fit in. If the majority of the leaders approve you are in and welcome.

If you need more information about his clan or the procedures don't hesitate to message Mr Assau1t or the other founders (on the xbox one). You will get a response back within a week.

We will see you on the battlefield soldier.


Hello, if the activity is low and you need a new active unit. We are recruiting!
We are involved in the milsim community and play by those rules.

Our name is the MilSim organization, we have 3 special forces units:
NL KCT 108 Commando Company
UK E Squadron
US DEVGRU Silver Squadron (former Seal Team Six)

We speak English and also have Dutch members.
gt: stefano nr 1
gt: ajacied onduty

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5635077396805374545/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
https://twitter.com/SOF_MilSim_unit [twitter.com]
7 years ago • 0 Like
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7 years ago