[GOOD] 187th GOOD Platoon

  • Founder
  • Leader

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Created: 2014-03-04

2,381 / 21,000

125h 4m
187th Ground Operations and Objectives Division

We strive for excellent teamwork and communication so anyone that has a mic and works for the general good of the team, join the G.O.O.D. platoon.

-Working in squads to capture objectives.

-Utilizing available vehicles to transport, capture, or defend objectives.

-Effectively using equipment for the benefit of the team: passing out ammo and health, repairs, spotting, and suppression fire.

-Developing "on the go" tactics and swift execution.

-Fighting against unfair tactics such as spawn camping, vehicle stealing, and camp sniping.

-18 or older (preferably)
-team oriented
-playing for the love of the game
1. Use the military alphabet to identify targets and objectives. Examples: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Tangos, Bogies.

2. Never go off on your own. Always travel with a squad mate. If you want to go for a revenge kill, ask a squad mate to accompany you.

3. Keep the useless banter to a MINIMUM when we are in the heat of battle. A clear channel makes it easier to communicate with the rest of the squad.

4.Try to keep your specialization different from others squad mated. We don't need two people running around with Squad Ammo.

5. Leaders are leaders for a reason. All leaders will be approved by Lawliet and Feared Noobie.

6. Pay attention to your surroundings! Take care of the greater threats around you. ei. chopper pilots need to focus on the enemy chopper.

Founded by: Lawliet1987


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