[GoA] Gods of Aggression

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Website: godsofaggression.iclanwebsites.com/ • Created: 2014-02-28

19,679 / 113,000

728h 3m
Welcome to the Gods of Aggression.

We are a BF4 Platoon for PS3 and PS4. We were the remaining players of BoA, GoW, and other platoons who have yet to transition to PS4 but are slowly transitioning.

If you are a mature, fun loving, decent player in need of a home feel free to message us in game and see if you will be a good fit with us.

The specific requirements to be a part of GoA are as follows:
1. Be a active player on BF4 for PS3 or PS4. This requirement will change as we all eventually shift to PS4.
2. We prefer you have a mic and use it. It helps with game play and promotes Platoon cohesion.
3. Be respectful to the other members. Any issues will be specifically handled on a case by case basis by the Leadership Council.
4. Wear the tags (GoA) and represent them accordingly.
5. K/D of 1.4 or higher
6. Skill >250
7. SPM 500 or higher.

We have servers on PS3 &PS4.

Future plans:
1. Have a good time with some good people.

If you played with any GoA members and were invited to apply please do so at http://godsofaggression.iclanwebsites.com/ [godsofaggression.iclanwebsites.com]


10 years ago • 0 Like
Want friends to play on PS3 mic.
10 years ago • 0 Like
i want to join this clan add me on ps3
psn - goldenbutcheeks
10 years ago • 0 Like
sorry that was my buddys account.im the one that wants to join
i want to join this clan add me on ps3
psn - goldenbutcheeks
10 years ago
5v5 dom sometime?
10 years ago • 0 Like
If your interrested in 5v5 defuse hit me up...
10 years ago • 2 likes
talk to Fat_Lard-8 for all platoon battle request.
10 years ago
I would like to join this clan and i already did the recruitment thing on the other page, i dont have ps3 version but would still like to join the platoon, i wanted to know how long it would take to be accepted?
10 years ago • 0 Like
You are a leader of HVT, is there a reason you are leaving them and wanting to join GoA? We have currently closed active recruitment processes. The only way to become a part of GoA now is to play with its members. If we enjoy playing with you and like your play style we will ask you to join us. Unfortunately we had a few members who joined that were never active, left with bullshit excuses, or just didn't fit in well so we had to make cuts. I apologize for lack of an update to the process.
10 years ago
To apply to GoA please fill out an application at http://godsofaggression.iclanwebsites.com/ [godsofaggression.iclanwebsites.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
I already applied, how long until accepted ?
10 years ago
New process has been identified.
10 years ago
Your platoon and its stats are now listed in the forum "Platoon Recruitment (PS3 & PS4)" under the thread "Listing of PS3 Platoons." If you would like your stats updated, please post to the thread.
10 years ago • 1 Like
One of you guys add me on PSN to prep for the 5v5 Defuse League. My PSN is United-Sniper143
10 years ago • 0 Like
Re-structuring the recruitment process. If you were cut it is no hard feelings.
10 years ago • 0 Like
If you apply and get declined, it might be the whole following directions part.... Please ensure you read the presentation and / or forum thread thoroughly before you apply. Have a wonderful day.
10 years ago • 1 Like