[TCW] The Crazed Wallabies

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Created: 2014-02-27

7,924,522 / 3,306,000

2205h 33m
Welcome to The Crazed Wallabies. TCW has been around since the days of SOCOM and all through Battlefield 3. Currently we are a group of players who are on everyday at some point getting our PTFO on! We are looking for new members to help grow the platoon and bring new skill sets to the table. Everyone is welcome to inquire about joining. Please leave us your PS4 screen name so we can get a hold of you.

What we are looking for!

Required minimum age: 18 (exceptions can be made based on maturity level)
Minimum K/D: 0.8
Minimum SPM: 400

*NOTE - The above is purely base requirements and can be overlooked based on a variety of factors

We are currently open to all newcomers looking for a platoon that is focused on PTFO play! Everyone is welcome to inquire about joining, but players who are currently a part of TCW must play with you first.


here you go boys part of why TCW was banned by the "#1" scout pilot

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8pHih5p25U [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
nightstalker u gonna have to invite me
10 years ago
Tank VS Choppers 2 now up!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iOG24SGdDQ [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Tcw its motown havent seen bunch on where we at n well mite not b on much dis weekend sick plus easter hit me up
10 years ago • 0 Like
Lame excuses motown lol
10 years ago
Lol it tru n nights butt prolly wont b on til 29th whn he gets new tv
10 years ago
you guys interested in an Obliteration Scrim against WAR9? best of 5, or best of 3, whichever. we're looking for Naval Strike since we're all tired of Vanilla and obliteration doesnt lag as much. Sundays mid-day work best for us but we're pretty open for weekend times we just gotta plan it out. let me know either on here or on PSN, ll_3CoorsDown_ll
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yea wel see sup haven had bunch on plus not alot play oblit or even hve naval too laggy no1 got it lol got check who has it
10 years ago
Good games playing against you tonight.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Fo sho! I think we played some more of your AoA guys like 2 days ago.
10 years ago