Created: 2014-11-06
799h 40m
I have a special place I go
Whenever I feel all alone
A very special place
That I can call my own
IT stops me feeling lonely
Away from the fear and dread
A place that makes me feel in control
If only in my head
THIS place is a very big rock
At least in my mind
Where I can go and be with friends
That I knew once upon a time
SOME times when I am in there
The door will stay ajar
Just enough to still feel safe
And insulated from the world afar
AT times people think I'm crazy
When they look upon my face
But then they just assume
That I'm in my own space
TO let them in would be tragic
For they couldn't understand
The Demons that I am fighting still
From long ago in a far off land
THE WAR that we were fighting
That left so many DEAD
Still rages deep inside me
Its really messed up my head
I hope that the WAR I am fighting
Will one day come to an end
And I can just live in PEACE
With the understanding of when
I meet up with fellow WARRIORS
Beyond the Pearly Gates
And once again be where I belong
Surrounded by my MATES
Whenever I feel all alone
A very special place
That I can call my own
IT stops me feeling lonely
Away from the fear and dread
A place that makes me feel in control
If only in my head
THIS place is a very big rock
At least in my mind
Where I can go and be with friends
That I knew once upon a time
SOME times when I am in there
The door will stay ajar
Just enough to still feel safe
And insulated from the world afar
AT times people think I'm crazy
When they look upon my face
But then they just assume
That I'm in my own space
TO let them in would be tragic
For they couldn't understand
The Demons that I am fighting still
From long ago in a far off land
THE WAR that we were fighting
That left so many DEAD
Still rages deep inside me
Its really messed up my head
I hope that the WAR I am fighting
Will one day come to an end
And I can just live in PEACE
With the understanding of when
I meet up with fellow WARRIORS
Beyond the Pearly Gates
And once again be where I belong
Surrounded by my MATES