[BAR] Battlefield All Rebels
Website: www.facebook.com/battlefieldallrebels •
Created: 2014-02-27
5454h 59m
Uradna stran najboljšega Battlefield platoona v Sloveniji!
Official community page of the best Slovenian Battlefield platoon!
- (SLO) Bi se rad pridružil najboljšemu slovenskemu Battlefield platoonu BATTLEFIELD ALL REBELS?
Upoštevaj naslednje korake!:
1. Na PSN-ju in Battlelogu (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] dodaj generala "pa3k3132005" ali majorja "milan526"!
2. Na Battlelogu (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] si nastavi tag !
3. Na PSN-ju dodaj čim več članov (najdeš jih na Battlelogu pod jezičkom Members) in se pridruži igri!
4. Na Facebooku klikni LIKE in se pridruži skupini (http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ)! [goo.gl]
5. Če se izkažeš in se držiš tudi drugih pravil (napisana spodaj), te že po parih dneh oz. tednu dni sprejmemo.
► ]BAR] clan tag je OBVEZEN... NUJNO ZLO! Uporaba emblema je tudi zaželjena!
► Narodnost ne igra vloge! Važna je ZABAVA!
► Bodi aktiven igralec na PlayStation-u, in aktiven član na Battlelogu ter Facebooku!
► Do ostalih pripadnikov bodi SPOŠTILJIV v visoki meri! Pri nas ni prostora za rasizem ali kakršnekoli oblike nestrpnosti!!!
- (ENG) Do you wish to join the best Slovenian battlefield platoon BATTLEFIELD ALL REBELS?
Follow the steps below!:
1. On PSN and Battlelog (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] add General "pa3k3132005" or Major "milan526" to your friend list!
2. On Battlelog (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] set you clan tag to !
3. On PSN try and add as many BAR (found on Battlelog under Members tab) members as you can and join them in game!
4. On Facebook click LIKE and join and follow our community (http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ)! [goo.gl]
5. If you are worthy and follow other clan rules (find them below this text), you will be accepted within a week.
► clan tag is MANDATORY! Use of clan Emblem is also
► No country or nationality restrictions! What matters is FUN!
► Be an active player on PlayStation and an active Battlelog and Facebook member!
► Be extra RESPECTFUL to other BAR members! There is no room for racism, bigotry or any kind of ethnic slurs or other inappropriate behaviour!!!
Google+: http://goo.gl/ZnFvoc [goo.gl]
YouTube: http://goo.gl/5DjmL8 [goo.gl]
Battlelog: http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z [goo.gl]
Facebook: http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ [goo.gl]
KSi: http://goo.gl/3qQ7ft [goo.gl]
Official community page of the best Slovenian Battlefield platoon!
- (SLO) Bi se rad pridružil najboljšemu slovenskemu Battlefield platoonu BATTLEFIELD ALL REBELS?
Upoštevaj naslednje korake!:
1. Na PSN-ju in Battlelogu (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] dodaj generala "pa3k3132005" ali majorja "milan526"!
2. Na Battlelogu (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] si nastavi tag !
3. Na PSN-ju dodaj čim več članov (najdeš jih na Battlelogu pod jezičkom Members) in se pridruži igri!
4. Na Facebooku klikni LIKE in se pridruži skupini (http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ)! [goo.gl]
5. Če se izkažeš in se držiš tudi drugih pravil (napisana spodaj), te že po parih dneh oz. tednu dni sprejmemo.
► ]BAR] clan tag je OBVEZEN... NUJNO ZLO! Uporaba emblema je tudi zaželjena!
► Narodnost ne igra vloge! Važna je ZABAVA!
► Bodi aktiven igralec na PlayStation-u, in aktiven član na Battlelogu ter Facebooku!
► Do ostalih pripadnikov bodi SPOŠTILJIV v visoki meri! Pri nas ni prostora za rasizem ali kakršnekoli oblike nestrpnosti!!!
- (ENG) Do you wish to join the best Slovenian battlefield platoon BATTLEFIELD ALL REBELS?
Follow the steps below!:
1. On PSN and Battlelog (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] add General "pa3k3132005" or Major "milan526" to your friend list!
2. On Battlelog (http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z) [goo.gl] set you clan tag to !
3. On PSN try and add as many BAR (found on Battlelog under Members tab) members as you can and join them in game!
4. On Facebook click LIKE and join and follow our community (http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ)! [goo.gl]
5. If you are worthy and follow other clan rules (find them below this text), you will be accepted within a week.
► clan tag is MANDATORY! Use of clan Emblem is also
► No country or nationality restrictions! What matters is FUN!
► Be an active player on PlayStation and an active Battlelog and Facebook member!
► Be extra RESPECTFUL to other BAR members! There is no room for racism, bigotry or any kind of ethnic slurs or other inappropriate behaviour!!!
Google+: http://goo.gl/ZnFvoc [goo.gl]
YouTube: http://goo.gl/5DjmL8 [goo.gl]
Battlelog: http://goo.gl/IkMK4Z [goo.gl]
Facebook: http://goo.gl/cZgVnJ [goo.gl]
KSi: http://goo.gl/3qQ7ft [goo.gl]