[MLP] BF4Bronies

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Website: www.facebook.com/bf4bronies • Created: 2014-02-27

2,048 / 11,000

10h 9m
A Bronies only team for Battlefield 4. given the strong cooperative nature of the game we figured members from the fandom will be excellent team players. right?

For the moment only an Xbox 360 team is going to be formed. a PC team is underway to be created. As for PS3 if there is a big demand we'll start working on it right away.

Our Facebook page just came out of the oven along with a few cupcakes, feel free to LIKE.
https://www.facebook.com/BF4Bronies [facebook.com]

We are working on the official webpage for the team, anyone with knowledge in HTML is welcome

There are very few simple requirements and rules to join.

1.- Be a Brony
2.- Be over 18 years old (sorry kids)
3.- no hateful language or comments among the team. (Remember love and tolerate)
4.- Be a team player. (going lone wolf will get you banned to the moon)
5.- No teabagging and not overkilling anyone... please!!!!
6.- Open door policy. (You should allow any team member to join your game if possible. voice comms are NOT mandatory)
7.- Have fun!!!

We trust that you will like the idea and brohoof our Platoon today.



9 years ago • 0 Like
Yeah... Soooo.... I don't know why these blokes are very unactive. I was in this platoon(I just left it by the time this comment is posted) and they didn't really do anything with my, I don't know how the rest in the platoon think, but they don't really do anything. It's like a ghost town in this platoon.
9 years ago
We're active, but we just don't say much. and we also have lives to tend to
8 years ago
hi there every pony /)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey there (\
9 years ago
9 years ago
Let-s work our platoon to Level 2 team, we can do this
9 years ago • 0 Like