[ICON] Team ICON Gaming

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Website: www.teamicon.win • Created: 2014-02-27

40,278,391 / 3,306,000

9814h 9m
Team ICON Gaming is THE premier online gaming community. Communication and community is the foundation in which Iconic Gaming was built.

Team ICON Gaming was created in 2016 by some of the original founding members of the extremely popular Big Boss Platoon. Iconic Gaming's goal is to build the most successful console gaming community with EA's Battlefield laying the groundwork for our growth.



Website: www.teamicon.win
Twitter: @IconFTW
Facebook: Team HQ
Twitch: Coming Soon!


Need an invite to the plt
6 years ago • 0 Like
can i join the platoon
7 years ago • 0 Like
hey u guys active
9 years ago • 0 Like
e aí soldados, sou um jogador brasileiro e gostei muito de jogar no servidor de vocês, muito competitivo, bem legal, sei que pode parecer muita curiosidade da minha parte mas achei algo bem interessante enquanto jogava uma partida no servidor de vocês no Hardcore no mapa Op. Outbreak, eu estava com a classe Recon/ SRR-61/ Thermal quando me deparei com um dos seus membros o "CRAVINES", por algum motivo não o consegui ver pela thermal, mesmo ele estando na minha frente, a única coisa que consegia ver era a arma em movimento e a assinatura de calor da arma, que camuflagem o CRAVINES estava usando?, isso foi ontem, fiquei curioso de verdade, gravei até um vídeo, desde já agradeço a ajuda GG guys.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Obrigado por jogar no Servidor de Big Boss !!! Cravines estava usando o novo Dice LA Camo que foi recentemente disponibilizado a todos players- é Invisable !!! muito awsesome !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSUjvXJNYgA [youtube.com]
9 years ago
Finally! Hello everyone!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello from HR Recker
9 years ago
Hi, I've been looking at your fine platoon, and have applied on the website. Let me know if you have any questions about me. Have a nice day!
9 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for your interest... please sign up on our forums an make am introduction post. is really the first step- have you played with any BOSS, have any on your friends list?
9 years ago
http://bigbossgaming.com/ [bigbossgaming.com]
9 years ago
Play Hardcore more don't go to core. KaPp and iAiB merger. We should try to set up a scrim some time.
9 years ago • 1 Like
wow thats big news!!! Check out this new league! http://www.hardcoreleague.co/ [hardcoreleague.co]
9 years ago
Hardcore 5v5 Domination tournament hosted by www.HardCoreBattleLeague.com starting 14Sep2015.
9 years ago • 1 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
I am interested in applying to join BIG BOSS.
9 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
9 years ago
wow i havnt seen you in a while renegade. add me on xbox1 vault720
9 years ago
For some reason I'm no longer listed in the platoon and my emblem is gone.
9 years ago • 0 Like
whaaat, same happened to me?!
dont expect to get baack in haha
9 years ago
Yeah, same here. I think of you don't have an xbone they'll get rid of you
9 years ago
Hey guys, Having an issue with the Forums right now on getting it to send me my confirmation email, till then and I can post on the forums for introductions, I'm Ryan, though most of you know me as HayzoosKreestow, Jet pilot. Nice playing with all of you the other day against UKSF in the match, looking forward to some more games.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Looking forward to meet you guys. I sent a friend request to most of you. Message me if you feel like playing ;). Thanks
9 years ago • 2 likes
Please review my stats and respond to me as soon as possible with your answer to my application. I play on your servers often,I also enjoy the teamwork and skill of your platoon.
I look forward to your response.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Like the servers, on them often. Played with Sooper and a few others the the other day. You all seam like a good bunch, keep it! Laters
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi your play 12v12 ? contact me on BL or X1 Celerity Smk
9 years ago • 0 Like
I saw your post on forums, so here goes.

Team Pandemic challenges you to a 5v5 domination. Please decide on a date and time, we will tell you if it works for us. Best times for us are after 6pm pst/9 pm est.
We will use the ruleset From ESL. Which can be found here: http://esport-battlefield.com/ruleset/ [esport-battlefield.com]

Big things to take away are from rules are banned Weapons/Gadgets and roofs are not in play.

We Will be using our server for the match. It will be a best out of 3 maps both teams will get to play both sides of each map so it will have a total of 6 Rounds. So 2 rounds per map. Each team will pick one map from the MapPool and you will also pick the 3rd since you are being challenged.

Scoring: The tickets of both rounds count for the end result. The team that gained the highest ticket number in both rounds wins that Map. Tickets will be zet to 150.
Example Map #1 Boss wins 1st round of map with 43 ticket to 0. Pandemic wins 2nd round of map with 32 tickets to 0. the final score would be 43 Boss to 32 Pandemic for MAP #1. Boss will win that map. Scrore for match would be 1 - 0 in favor of Boss

Match should not take more than an hour due to domination going fast. The tickets will be set to 150.

If you have Any questions please message Rissew on XBL or reply to this thread.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I enjoy your server very much and love the competitivness. I would love to participate in BOSS's domination and be part of the team.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey looking to find a great squad to join in hardcore. I have played in your servers for a couple weeks now and enjoy playing with and against you guys. Much more with because of the teamwork and mic use and i will spen 20 mins waiting to get into the big boss room. Hopefully you can accept me in this group and i can have a little more purpose in this game and objectives and friends to play with when i sign on.

thanks for your time

10 years ago • 1 Like
ill be on today between 10am-12am est for 5 hrs
10 years ago
Hey whats up its Airman Welch reppin LOBK...We are newly started clan, but most of our guys are from HVT...We are just no getting to the numbers were we will be able to get matches set up please get back with me about info we would like to set something up a couple weeks in advance.

-Gamer Tag-Airman Welch
10 years ago • 0 Like