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Website: teamwarthog.freeforums.net/ • Created: 2014-04-30

12,523,529 / 3,306,000

4003h 56m
Play to your strengths, assist your teammates, and know your role within the squad/team every round. PTFO goes without saying.



Hope everyone is doimg well, sorry i haven't been around in awhile! Miss playing with you guys, hopefully things slow down for me. Wishing you all the best
8 years ago • 1 Like
Play in the A10 server on PS4! Currently set at 45hz (tick rate) - 32 player CQ - No restrictions!
8 years ago • 1 Like
We might have a solution to out of region players, check the forum for details. HOOAH!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Can I come home now? This corner over here is kind of lonely.
9 years ago • 2 likes
9 years ago
welcome back Ibanez
9 years ago
Cleaning up the roster. Re-apply if you still want to be with A10 and we'll be in touch.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Ok, I seen myself out of A10 today morning in Battelelog, that why I thought so.
Thanks for clarifying!
9 years ago
sorry about that Joe! Now that I re-read my post I should have been more clear.
9 years ago
Good to see a lot of old faces
9 years ago • 1 Like
After long thought and consideration, I have decided to leave A10. It has been a very fun last couple of years, and I wouldn't go back and change anything about it. Battlefield and the PS4 have been just kind of been sitting here wasting away because I have not had the urge to play. Because of this, I feel that I would not be able to carry on as a leader, and also don't want to take up a slot that someone else could possibly fill.

I have had fun playing with each and every one of you, and hope you all do well in the future. In the famous words of bugatti, squad up, have fun and take some tags!!

IBANEZ_5757 (I.B.)
9 years ago • 0 Like
OK buddy, well you are welcome back anytime in your old roll, You will be missed by us all and your more than welcome to squad up with us anytime.

Peace Brother

9 years ago
Gentlemen it is Friday HOOAH! Battlefield Hardline Beta starts Feb, 3rd, so give it a try and lets see if they got something worth playing. Also there is some other game this weekend between some chicken hawk team and another team that likes to play with their deflated balls. :) So hope on BF, GTA, or one of the many others games we play, squad up, have fun and take tags. HOOAH
Also welcome some new guys to the team, gamer_elite_1980, and seanbradley. Have a great weekend gentlemen. HOOAH
9 years ago • 3 likes
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Go Chickens with mashed potatoes and beer :)
9 years ago
Was it just me or was Katy Perry being a Pokemon??

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8zpXD_IgAAqU9Z.jpg [pbs.twimg.com]
9 years ago
Interested in clan match Bugatti? Cheers-NAVY
9 years ago • 0 Like
Looks like you guys do Hard core, not what we like to play. By the way congratulations on the new baby.
9 years ago
Hey, just letting you all know I am still here.....Far Cry 4 though!
9 years ago • 2 likes
Gentlemen it is Friday, HOOAH! Give our newest member ottospocket a warm A10 welcome. As always look for Squad mates when playing, be it Destiny, GTA, Battlefield, or whatever game you are playing. Gentlemen have a great weekend, Squad up, Have Fun and Take TAGS. HOOAH!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Gentlemen it is Friday HOOAH! If you are playing the new COD let Alpha know so he can send you a platoon invite. Also come join Bugatti on Battlefield as he hands out birthday packages to unsuspecting tanks in honor of his birthday weekend. So come and join the fun, and as always squad up, have fun and take tags. HOOAH!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Team Warthog has streamlined the roster to better reflect our active membership who play with this team. If you would like to re-apply, please do so at www.teamwarthog.us/contact-us.html [teamwarthog.us]
9 years ago • 1 Like
Gentlemen it is that time again, time to start up those PS and charge those controllers for it is the weekend. HOOAH! My public service announcement, Taco Bell is giving away more PS4's with Destiny and two download codes to give away. So if you do not have one or just like to roll the dice here is your chance. As always gentlemen have fun, squad up and take tags. HOOAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
Gentlemen it is Friday and the weekend of the Patch. HOOAH! Be it battlefield or destiny patches for both games this week. So pick your poison, hop on, squad up, have fun and take tags. HOOAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
Gentlemen TGIF, HOOAH! Come join me on BF for double XP and as I make my push to 130 HOOAH! On the Destiny side look for a new leader Seraphim, Congrats buddy! As always Gentlemen squad up, Have fun and take tags. Bugatti HOOAH
10 years ago • 0 Like
new patch coming soon!!!!
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/news/view/bf4-fall-patch-coming/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 1 Like
NbK challenges you guys to a conquest large clan battle...24 vs 24 or 32 vs 32. Do you have it in you?
10 years ago • 5 likes
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure we could pull together 24+ right now. Good games last night--you guys put up one hell of a fight! Better luck next time.
10 years ago
Gentlemen it is Friday, and time to get back on the the BF. HOOAH Lot of exciting stuff coming up this month. The BIG Patch is incoming in Sept, should make BF a lot better. Destiny is launching on Tuesday, so if you are getting the game get on the forum and let us know. We will have a Clan day one on Destiny. So Gentlemen have a great weekend, Have fun and take tags. Hooah Bugatti
10 years ago • 1 Like
Destiny-specific forum is now up at www.teamwarthog.us/forum [teamwarthog.us]
10 years ago
Thank you chriZzYzX
10 years ago
Gentlemen it is Friday, and a three day weekend to boot. HOOAH! So lets get some good squad play in. Remember if you want to do PVP to give a hooah to ChriZzYZx post, also do those intros on the web page. Gentlemen have a great weekend and here is hoping that no evil lizard men take down PSN again. Have fun and take tags, HOOAH!
10 years ago • 3 likes