[USMC] Devil Dogs

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Created: 2014-03-02

1,918 / 20,000

220h 40m


Hey this is vS Aggression i was in your party yesterday and you said i could join but the platoon is on invite only
11 years ago • 0 Like
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Twistymcspliff can be found on Xbox Live by THAT Gamertag, If you would to contact him VIA Battlelog search for USMCSniperR3con,
11 years ago • 0 Like
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Grandfathered members WILL be assigned a squad, By grandfathered meaning founders and Generals, If you are assigned to a squad who the squad leader is a Founder or General then that is you Permanent Squad in which you be with in Platoon battles and during training, some members with certain squads will have to train with other Founders or Generals depending on what skills they have or want to have, If that's the case ask a Founder or General for guidance so you know who to speak to.

Also, If you needing help with vehicles (IE Tanks, AA or Aircraft or need guidance being infantry contact twistymcspliff (USMCSniperR3con) or Tank1812 so you know who to talk to in case of confusion
11 years ago • 0 Like
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If you are assigned a certain Day or Time for a tryout and don't hear anything 24 HRS BEFORE THE TRYOUT STARTS Speak to Twistymcspliff (USMCSniperR3con) to fix it
11 years ago • 0 Like
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If you arranging a Platoon Battle MAKE SURE TO CONFIRM IT WITH Tank1812 FIRST! If nothing is spoken to with Tank1812 or Twistymcspliff the Platoon battle WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED NOR STARTED!!
11 years ago • 0 Like
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Open tryouts will be held Friday March 7th, 2014 from 0100AM to 0400AM EST 22:00PM to 0100AM March 6th / 7th, 2014 PST, (US Standard Time) Twistymcspliff will be handling 0100AM to 0400 AM EST in which while Tank1812 will be handling the 2200PM to 0100AM time. If interested in trying out just send a msg to either founder via Xbox Live Messaging system or Battle log.
11 years ago • 0 Like
That way we know who all is trying out.
11 years ago
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