[SSS] SwedishSecurityService

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Created: 2015-12-02

13,233 / 15,000

76h 34m
The Swedish Security Service (Swedish: Säkerhetspolisen, abbreviated Säpo, until 1989 Rikspolisstyrelsens säkerhetsavdelning abbreviated RPS/Säk) is a Swedish government agency organised under the Ministry of Justice. It operates like a security agency responsible for counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, the protection of dignitaries and the constitution. The Swedish Security Service is also tasked with investigating crimes against national security and terrorist crimes. Its main mission, however, is to prevent crime, and not to investigate them. Crime prevention is to a large extent based on information acquired via contacts with the regular police force, other authorities and organisations, foreign intelligence and security services, and with the use of various intelligence gathering activities, including interrogations, telephone tapping, covert listening devices and hidden surveillance cameras. The Service was — in its present form — founded in 1989, as part of the National Police Board and became an autonomous police agency January 1, 2015. National headquarters are located at Ingenting in Solna since 2014, drawing together personnel from five different locations into a single 30,000 m2 (320,000 sq ft) HQ facility.


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