[FS] Federal Security

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Created: 2014-03-01

12,264 / 16,000

45h 59m


(NwD) I_DONT_BLINK_UDO : Idioten Platoon
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, I have a platoon that would be interested in having you guys merge with us. Our platoon has a dedicated teamspeak 3 server and will be getting bf4 servers once we get more people active on the ts3 server. On this server, we will host Competitive clan wars. We also hope to enter tournaments when we get the players. We currently have over 2000 players on World of Warcraft and StarCraft 2 and are slowly expanding to the Battlefield Franchise. We are sponsored by www.vastgamer.com. They will help us with getting a server once we get enough players.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to FS!
Invite as many people in our platoon, anyone who invite at least 5 people will be appointed to command. The more people the better.
I wish you good luck, and remember the Glory FEDERAL SECURITY
10 years ago • 0 Like
Witam w FS!
Zapraszajcie jak najwięcej osób do naszego plutonu, każdy kto zaprosi co najmniej 5 osób zostanie mianowany na dowódcę. Im więcej osób tym lepiej.
Życzę wam powodzenia i pamiętajcie Ku Chwale FEDERAL SECURITY
10 years ago • 0 Like