[C66E] COBRA Elite

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Website: www.c66cgaming.com • Created: 2014-08-09

24,103 / 46,000

228h 45m
http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg483/COBRA_Razor/Website/Banners/cobraelitelogo_zpsbde34d82.png [i1240.photobucket.com]

COBRA ELITE is for our main members of COBRA 66th Commandos who want to play in clan matches on a weekly basis. You can join by invite if you are already a member of Cobra Community.

We don’t have any minimum K/D ratio or SPM and our only membership requirements are:

• Be 18 or over.
• Have a mic.
• Be able to game between 10pm to 1am gmt on a weekly basis.
• Be an active member of the platoon or you will be removed.
• Be active on Battlelog.
• Be active on the Cobra website.
• You must set your status for clan matches.
• Must be a TEAM player.
• Wear the C66E tags.
• Be respectful to other platoon members.
• You can only be in this clan (Except for appreciation clans)
• Speak english (Scottish is acceptable) :D

COBRA tend to use party chat instead of ingame chat as its much clearer so just join us if you see us in a party dont wait for invite

Clan Matches:
1. NO vehicles steals from spawn base (abandoned vehicles fair game)
2. NO explosive traps on MCOMS / FLAGS
3. NO M320/LVG except smoke
5. NO spawn camping

Over 30 Clan
CBC Elite



If your looking for a match send me a friend request and i get back to you.
10 years ago • 1 Like
10 years ago
not interested in a match mate
10 years ago
spread out the dragon a little more so its like a v on its side, plus more impact, logo is very beautiful. extend the dragon a little?
10 years ago • 0 Like
I thought it was a snakes head in the shape of a C for Cobra.
10 years ago
what i meant lol
10 years ago
We from "Konsolen-sport League" invite you and your clan to join us in "Konsolen-Sport League"! Whether you're competitive or a fun clan, with us everyone is welcome! If you are interested, please join our platoon page to get further information and news about "Konsolen-Sport League“!
http://bit.ly/1oS287g [bit.ly]
10 years ago • 0 Like
sorry havent been on for a week was away, work related..
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey sarge we played you guys on BF3 just wondered if you fancied a scrim 16 v 16 we usually play on Fridays 8pm
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi there. TR are looking to partner with another clan on Destiny, and we've had dealings with you guys in Bf3 (EU squad rush tournament) and thought you were a pretty sound bunch. So if you'd be interested in that drop me a message here, PSN or Destiny and get in touch. I dropped a note on Griz's wall too, but thought I'd say hi here as well, just to make sure the message got through.
10 years ago • 0 Like
i know i am part of the community, and yes i also know i dont have a ps4. Being honest waiting for price drop... Any chance of joining the platoon, so i dont feel like a sub sitting on the side lines waiting for a game......
10 years ago • 0 Like
plus it allows to me to wear the emblem
10 years ago
how does one join the elites?
10 years ago • 0 Like
1. play with us abit as a community member, 2. wanting to join and leaders being ok with it =)
10 years ago
wish we could arrange a match , dont have enough people :/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rdO8m3uIA4 [youtube.com] :P :P
10 years ago • 0 Like
no probs mate when ever you do just say
10 years ago
Hi there, Just wondering if your platoon would be interested in a friendly/competitive match conquest small? Our platoon (EUK30) are good to start for most evenings around 9pm/10pm GMT. Thanks.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Ok thanks for the heads up, tbh because of holidays we are short in numbers at the moment. Hopefully set some thing up in the future.
10 years ago
yep deffo
10 years ago
very nice logo very nice indeed,
10 years ago • 0 Like