[LUCI] Lucifers Lost Children

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Created: 2015-06-09

9,827 / 10,000

6h 9m
This clan was created for people looking to have fun while taking games a little serious

If your mature, looking for a serious badass clan who focuses on team tactics while preserving the fun of the game than this clan is for you

It will not be a strict clan, though I do ask you meet a few basic requirments

1.) the most important rule DONT BE A DOUCHEBAG

2.) Have a mic (not being able to communicate is frustrating)

C.) please be mature, or atleast act like you are I.E: no one under 18 I dont wanna hear you cant play cause you failed your math test and now your grounded

4.) please be active...whenever...its a fucking game not the army I dont want some strict ass playing times i understand people got shit to do

5.) your level or skill is not important im not here to win the fucking MLG (though who knows maybe we could) im here to make friends


8.) did you notice there wasnt a 6?

9.) I cant really think of anything else

10.) Refer to #9

11.) oh wait I remembered something, Im on south east MURICAN time but Im on every night so if i dont respond immediatly im probably doing something dumb and didnt notice yet

ok so if you made it this far WELCOME ABOARD! just send me a messege here or hit me up on my PSN : PDBMC and lets get the ball rolling you are now one of Lucifers Lost Children!!!


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?