[ODR] Old Dudes Rule

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Website: www.odrclan.com • Created: 2016-08-14

29,884 / 46,000

583h 55m
Mature and Fair Gamers
We play to have fun.
KDR is just a number.

We aren't looking for competitive teammates or opponents,
Just mature gamers that enjoy gaming with friends.


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
Don't bother reading the rules, you will get infractions and killed regardless if you follow them or not.
7 years ago • 0 Like
If you were banned...
It wasn't because you were "good" or "better than us"
But more so because you didn't read the rules and / or are toxic to the entire BF4 community.

We don't need kids playing here that think they are king shit or their ego's are too big for their tiny statures. no one cares about your "skills".

On another note.

Omgherd was voted to be banned for being part of the suspicious 420 clan.
If pot and downloaded skills is your thing they are looking for you.

SethyWT We thank you for stopping by, it was pleasure. For one, You never played with us, so why would we ban you? A bad troll is a bad troll.

SethyWT I think you need to change your panties, they're in a bunch. No one knows what you are even talking about. We thank you both for stopping by the platoon page. Take care :)
8 years ago • 0 Like
can i join?
8 years ago