[PB] Pfaelzer Buwe

  • Founder

View all Members (115)

Website: www.pb-clan.eu • Created: 2014-11-24

9,875,416 / 3,306,000

9526h 31m
We search Members, we search you!

We accept only Members to the Platoon who are registed on our Website: www.pb-clan.eu
Please make sure, that you have this Platoon as aktive and the ClanTAG active.

Ban? Please check: Antotoxis @ Metabans (PB MetaBans Account) [metabans.com]

If you have any Problems, Feedback or Questions please check: PB Clan Website [pb-clan.de]

Our Servers: Our Servers. (Link) [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Pfealzer Buwe @ [gametracker.com]

PB TeamSpeak: TS3.PB-Clan.eu


HI Nice servers! Good job
9 years ago • 11 likes
2 / 9 comments Read more
Hello, I really like your servers, but I was banned on your servers # PB for the fact that the sniper sat above the roofs of the houses, please spread, I will not do that any more.
6 years ago
Desconectado do jogo: você foi expulso por um administrador. Motivo: Rules: Using Explosives [IRO.I DID NOT KNOW THE RULES FOR FAVOING I HELPED IT BACK TO PLAY IN THE SERVICE.PORFAVO
5 years ago
euer server ist ja mega geil, aber bei manchen karten (ablenkung) mit 60 mann ist einfach lächerlich zu spielen. ;/ da kann man nicht mal spawnen ohne direkt gekillt zu werden !!
8 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
Guten Tag, liebe Admins Server, habe 2 Tage gespielt und wieder Punkbuster Kicks, permanentes Bann. Was ist passiert?
6 years ago
Desconectado do jogo: você foi expulso por um administrador. Motivo: Rules: Using Explosives [IRO.I DID NOT KNOW THE RULES FOR FAVOING I HELPED IT BACK TO PLAY IN THE SERVICE
5 years ago
I like your servers ^^, also the only one that's running the DLC :p
8 years ago • 14 likes
2 / 15 comments Read more
Admin suck my dick !!!
5 years ago
Desconectado do jogo: você foi expulso por um administrador. Motivo: Rules: Using Explosives [IRO.I DID NOT KNOW THE RULES FOR FAVOING I HELPED IT BACK TO PLAY IN THE SERVICE
5 years ago
Well done guys for running best EU server. Congrats Anti
8 years ago • 7 likes
2 / 8 comments Read more
admin suck my dick !!!
5 years ago
Desconectado do jogo: você foi expulso por um administrador. Motivo: Rules: Using Explosives [IRO.I DID NOT KNOW THE RULES FOR FAVOING I HELPED IT BACK TO PLAY IN THE SERVICE
5 years ago
Einen großen Dank an dieses Platoon! Mit Euren Servern tragt Ihr erheblich viel zu diesem Spiel bei! Weiter so^^^...Gruß
8 years ago • 2 likes
Schönes Platoon, schöner Server. Meine Favoriten.
8 years ago • 6 likes
danke :-)
8 years ago
Bestes squad in Battlefield!!!
9 years ago • 5 likes
THX for compliments...
8 years ago
ich habe mich bei euch beworben und man hört nichts.danke
4 years ago • 0 Like
Hey PB,

Our servers are crashing and looks like your servers are being ddosed, this looks like someone we have banned that is trying to cause a war that is not there. If our both our servers are starting, we will stop or put a message to join your server after a crashor attack, we dont want all the players, its not fair on the community, they need choice. We need to stand together on this or the crashers and ddos players will win. I have a message up now on our server to join yours.

If you look at the sequence, they crash our server, the ddos yours, the ddos your server, then crash ours, to make it look like its each of us, when its not.

Hope we can work together,

4 years ago • 1 Like
hi, message to the administrator of the server, why I was excluded from this server? I use the original game, and no cheat, it's amazing!
Thank you in advance for your answer.
5 years ago • 0 Like
5 years ago • 0 Like
5 years ago • 0 Like
5 years ago • 0 Like
indeed,a great server
5 years ago • 0 Like
bonjour vos serveur sont hyper cool mais si on peut juste me debanne svp
5 years ago • 0 Like
bonjour on peut me deban svp car je suis rester sur le toits d'une maison
5 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone. I was banned by mistake, please solve the problem. I can not log into the server.I love this server(
5 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone. I was banned by mistake, please solve the problem. I can not log into the server.I love this server(
5 years ago • 0 Like
How to be a member
5 years ago • 0 Like
I want to join this platoon because i m kicked all times
5 years ago • 0 Like