[PK] Privatkaeserei 2

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28,734 / 46,000

342h 2m
Do you want to support our server? Donations via PayPal are very appreciated: privatkaeserei@gmail.com
If you donate you will get a reserved slot on our server and a VIP message if you join.

Rules on our Server:
-No sniper rifles on Rush
-No baseraping on Conquest
-Do not spam explosives
-Insulting other people results in kick/ban
-Use @rules to see the rules ingame

General Information:
-We scramble teams on every new MAP
-Server commands are @nextmap, @rules, @killme, @stats, @servicestars

We also have a Battlefield 3 Server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/3b553f30-cc71-4b5d-8755-caba82dd751b/Privatkaeserei-Alois-Schuhmann-RUSH-ONLY-BEST-CITY-MAPS-VOTE/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Unfortunately we have some bad news for you today. Our Battlefield 4 Server will probably be shut down in a few weeks.
Since almost nobody of our admins play Battlefield 4 anymore, we don't we want to pay for a server we don't use. Our hope was to keep the server alive with donations but this wasn't a big success. The next payment date is on the 22th June but there're still missing over 130€ to pay the bill for the next 3 months and we don't think the donations will cover these costs.
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi, euer metabans account wurde deaktiviert...wollte euch nur bescheid geben
9 years ago • 0 Like
Wiederlichter Server und noch widerlicher Möchtegern Admin ! Werde von einem Spieler beleidigt weil ich ihn drau aufmerksam gemacht habe er möchte aufhören zu Campen und wenn ich mich dann wehre, werde dann noch von dem Möchtegern Admin "LumPenPackKind" vom Server Gekickt
Ich und meine Leute werden euren Server nicht mehr betreten
Einfach nur Ekelhaft so ein verhalten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ich würde mich schämen, so einen Kind in meinem Clan zu haben
10 years ago • 0 Like