Created: 2018-03-27
86h 44m
Owner - Servers -Leaders- Admins - Player (ATX )asterix44.
Owner - Leaders- Admins - Players (ATX)schieldman.
this is a no kil servers.rank up fast xp level up .
Killing is a 1 Minut Time Out Punich- wil Be An Auto Admins Banned 4 the Players .
(trading kills is allowd only & ckan & vip can kil in the servers only )
Be all welcome to our platoon where you can join and have fun!.
Respect the Owners & Leaders, Administrators, and
the server.(ATX)
1. A admin you must put tags on.(ATX)
2: Do not insult the players.(KICK & tbanned)
3: Respect the Owners & Leaders, Administrators, and
4.V.I.P:Dog Tag (ATX)
!Rules 4 Admins Only.
Admin =.Dont free Kil & Owners & Leaders.& Admins.
Ask 4 Kill trading Kills ( dont kil randoms players )
If there aere players in severs whait befoor killing trading whit ther clan ore vip ( ASK allwhays owners & leaders if
there in servers
Beahve respect your opponents (ATX)
do not take a revenche of a mis understanding To a owners & leaders & admins in servers .
Do not just kick an admins without consulting an owner or leaders in servers.5killing at atx caln and kivking atx cln banned clan .
with a moderate killing of a player from the approval of the owner & leader's .
1: Do not ban or kick without any reason A Players
He need the reason why you kick him Or Banned Him In command's .(!kill name) whay you kil him and reason.
2: Do not kill any player in a command's without motives at least
violations of rules.
3: Respect the players as much as the leaders and
server owner.
4: Do not insult any connected player
5. Do not kick a player when He Is afk or brb
only if he is in the flag aerea You can
Kill him in A Commands..or ..
v.i.p. rules
!Rules 4 The v.i.p.No randoms Kil Players ( Kick fom vip)
v.i.p. only kill No kick And no banned
Admin Commands.
it is appreciated to do this
The following is a admin commands in game,
please follow our Commands.
Admin Commands..
!kill, !kick ,
!tban , !ban
!Tb Players name & Wij you banned him Tb ( temperary banned 400 & 1800)
!say, !psay ,
!yell, !pyell
!langreset --
badword akte loeschen
!langpunish --
In the servers is a Auto manuelles Wacht dog Languiching bad languitching ( he wil be Warned bay bad word ) kik & banned 30 .
Owner - Leaders- Admins - Players (ATX)schieldman.
this is a no kil servers.rank up fast xp level up .
Killing is a 1 Minut Time Out Punich- wil Be An Auto Admins Banned 4 the Players .
(trading kills is allowd only & ckan & vip can kil in the servers only )
Be all welcome to our platoon where you can join and have fun!.
Respect the Owners & Leaders, Administrators, and
the server.(ATX)
1. A admin you must put tags on.(ATX)
2: Do not insult the players.(KICK & tbanned)
3: Respect the Owners & Leaders, Administrators, and
4.V.I.P:Dog Tag (ATX)
!Rules 4 Admins Only.
Admin =.Dont free Kil & Owners & Leaders.& Admins.
Ask 4 Kill trading Kills ( dont kil randoms players )
If there aere players in severs whait befoor killing trading whit ther clan ore vip ( ASK allwhays owners & leaders if
there in servers
Beahve respect your opponents (ATX)
do not take a revenche of a mis understanding To a owners & leaders & admins in servers .
Do not just kick an admins without consulting an owner or leaders in servers.5killing at atx caln and kivking atx cln banned clan .
with a moderate killing of a player from the approval of the owner & leader's .
1: Do not ban or kick without any reason A Players
He need the reason why you kick him Or Banned Him In command's .(!kill name) whay you kil him and reason.
2: Do not kill any player in a command's without motives at least
violations of rules.
3: Respect the players as much as the leaders and
server owner.
4: Do not insult any connected player
5. Do not kick a player when He Is afk or brb
only if he is in the flag aerea You can
Kill him in A Commands..or ..
v.i.p. rules
!Rules 4 The v.i.p.No randoms Kil Players ( Kick fom vip)
v.i.p. only kill No kick And no banned
Admin Commands.
it is appreciated to do this
The following is a admin commands in game,
please follow our Commands.
Admin Commands..
!kill, !kick ,
!tban , !ban
!Tb Players name & Wij you banned him Tb ( temperary banned 400 & 1800)
!say, !psay ,
!yell, !pyell
!langreset --
badword akte loeschen
!langpunish --
In the servers is a Auto manuelles Wacht dog Languiching bad languitching ( he wil be Warned bay bad word ) kik & banned 30 .