"lIlIBennylIlI" is also a shit MEGA Cheater !!!
Please take a look at his statistics Cheat O Meter to
Rarely do I see so much fraud in just a wannabe player
https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=lIlIBennylIlI&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]
"lIlIBennylIlI" was repeatedly linked servers already and he is also in Metabans Join as a Cheater !!!
"lIlIBennylIlI" is a coward son of a bitch !!!
And so a Cowardly Dog Represents your platoon?
Just disgusting, so a freak of cheaters !!!
"lIlIBennylIlI" is a coward wannabe player
How poor you have to be so in the game to cheat?
"lIlIBennylIlI" has again If anything, it may Battlefield games, otherwise this cowardly rat would not use cheats !!!
Do you really need to have it with you in such fraudsters platoon?
"lIlIBennylIlI" you're really a stupid child and have the game not understood
Go here and play with your Barbie you LOSER !!!