[TSU] Tearing Shit Up
Created: 2014-07-02
7,288,438 / 3,306,000
3169h 2m
Here to have fun
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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0
I challenge your Best pilot's to a one on one Dog Fight. From EVILMORAN _ARTC leader
9 years ago • 0
lol i didnt see this until now im open for any challenge wanna df come find me im always on air superiority
7 years ago
ANY challenge? lol have this bitch hiding in spawn every time I bump into him
6 years ago
its sad to have people who hack in your platoon. tooonoobz fuck you and your hack, Lost respect for this platoon. If this was my platoon i would kick him out to stop making my platoon look bad.
7 years ago • 0
Hello TSU , Some of you may know me and some may not . . . but i have seen and played with TSU and seen TSU from time to time im the owner and founder of nice to meet u all
9 years ago • 0
2 / 3 comments
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are yall recruiting... I'm looking for a good group to roll with. I know my skill level isn't high, I just been goofing off lately. normally its a 400+. My gamertag is ICHS15
9 years ago • 0
Hi again it's me, I would really like to be in a clan (not trying to bother you all) that is friendly like those two members i played with they were very nice to me.... I would love to be in this clan thx everyone.
9 years ago • 1
like this
Hi, there I got the chance to play with two of your members and we three played great and had a good time, looking for a clan that accepts me.
9 years ago • 0
Anti-Aircraft guy. If it Flyz it Dies. Hence my name. I hate seeing my fellow comrades getting killed by attack choppers. I am definitely a team player. If I'm playing medic and I see your down I will fully revive you. If I'm playing support and you need ammo I will give you some. If you need repairs stop and wait for me to get to you so I can repair. I follow squad orders. I am a great team member to have.
10 years ago • 0
Anti-Aircraft guy. If it Flyz it Dies. Hence my name. I hate seeing my fellow comrades getting killed by attack choppers. I am definitely a team player. If I'm playing medic and I see your down I will fully revive you. If I'm playing support and you need ammo I will give you some. If you need repairs stop and wait for me to get to you so I can repair. I follow squad orders. I am a great team member to have.
10 years ago • 0
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCykNSGInqmROntr8_BDxPxA [youtube.com]
galera do bf ai ta meu canal de battlefield no ps3 ajudem eu ai inscreva no canal ...
quero gravar umas partidas contra se tiver intereçado entra em contado comigo por aqui ou pelo canal no youtube ... valeu !!!
galera do bf ai ta meu canal de battlefield no ps3 ajudem eu ai inscreva no canal ...
quero gravar umas partidas contra se tiver intereçado entra em contado comigo por aqui ou pelo canal no youtube ... valeu !!!
10 years ago • 0
Bom dia Soldados, meu nick psn é ARCKDRAGO (DRAGOARCK e DRAGONMUST), sou fundador do WKZ (WARRIORS KILLZONE), time que trouxe do Killzone 3 para o BF4. Criei um Whatsap só com fundadores e líderes de clan, para podermos marcar treinos e quem sabe montarmos campeonatos x5,x10 e x12! Se tiverem interesse mandem mensagem com n. de WHATSAP COM DDD para mim, vou adcionar no dos LÍDERES BF4! Obrigado, tenham um bom dia!
10 years ago • 0