[BDC] Beer Drinking Clan

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Website: www.ethp.co.uk/ • Created: 2014-02-27

7,818,501 / 3,306,000

2849h 4m
A group of mature individuals who love to drink beer(and other alcoholic beverages) and ravage the battlefield. Ragers and Minors need not apply. We are here to have fun and PTFO.

To Apply:
- Must be Old enough to drink beer.
- Must Know at least one dirty joke.
- MUST PTFO even if you suck at doing it.

- No member or the BDC will have a GT or ethos that is disrespectful to women.

- No member of the BDC will have a GT or ethos that is disrespectful to race or colour.

- No member of the BDC will have a GT or ethos that disrespects others peoples religions or beliefs.

-We request that if you Representing BDC platoon that you use the tag, even if you choose not to use the emblem.

If you meet those specs.....Send a friend request to on of the Founders/Leaders and we will send you an invite.


This platoon is now open for applications. Please apply via Battlelog. Once you are accepted, please visit the website, create a free account, and introduce yourself. If you have any questions, please contact one of the Founders or Leaders.
10 years ago • 1 Like
^^solid group of guys.

Played their server - would rec. for good times!
10 years ago
Welcome to ! Please ensure that you meet the above criteria before applying.

10 years ago • 1 Like
This is a call to BDC......we need your help with the trolling that has commenced. bKs is back on the Battlefield and kindly request your services! We have started trolling a group called A.R.E. It has been great fun and we are trying to pile it on! Come join in the greatness
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello all. I found BDC on Destiny. I want to join up with you on BF4 on PS4.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Is there a Xbox one chapter???
8 years ago • 0 Like
Beer Drinkers - I just applied with the hope of joining a group of team players focused on ptfo and winning! I'm a bit new to FPS games, but really enjoying Hardline (and starting to play some BF4 as well!)

I am very much a team player. My stats aren't great, but I have been improving and play a 1.0+ K/D recently -- more importantly I am all about team play and getting the win...

...and medium-hop pale ales (favorite beer: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale)

Hope to see you all on the battlefield!
John (JWebb1836)
Age: 31, Texas, PS4
8 years ago • 0 Like
Fellow sister-platoon. *Yoda voice* Separated at birth we were.

Wrote this on the BKS Page. Let me know if you guys are interested.

It's that time of the year.

BKS & BDC VS BKS & BDC battle royal.

Game Mode:
Conquest Small if we're enough 18+
Domination if we're less then 16.
(if we're 17 then all bets are off)

Game Type: CLASSIC MODE- if you don't know what it is, read up on it here, it's the game mode where you actually need your teammates / Here's the link

http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/10/bf4-classic-mode/ [blogs.battlefield.com]

Date to be determined. Most probably Sunday around 9PM eastern time (by my unscientific stats, this is where most people are online at the same time.)

Rules, One BDC Captain and one BKS Captain. Each platoon will vote for it's weekly Captain,
HOWEVER- Captains need to pick from both camps.
First round BKS members, second round BDC and so on.

I would love to make this a weekly thing, (i'll rent the server for the day of). Let me know if it works for you guys and who would be in (usually...)
9 years ago • 2 likes
Hey all! Just picked this up on xbox one due to the sale they had and Im lovin the game. Im old enough to drink beer, buy cigs and pornography! Typically play just conquest and love cappin flags! GT: EhF Ohh17 and Im on the east coast. Looking forward to playing with ya
9 years ago • 2 likes
16v16 cq small Add me on here if so
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
You guys just don't meet the criteria, sorry!
9 years ago
We are old, we doesn't dodge so well anymore. It's more like a slow drunken lean.
9 years ago
Cheers from one beer clan to another!
10 years ago • 3 likes
Hey go help Battlefield get "eSports-ified" by signing this petition!! https://www.change.org/p/dice-electronic-arts-provide-esports-features-in-battlefield-titles?just_created=true [change.org]
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
Ok guys i has my trial i don't feel like i belong here i try to interact with others but it Doesn't work i feel that ronix was the only one that i had a connection to become friends with so on so forth goodbye
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 1 Like
I've played with these guys and I love then
10 years ago • 3 likes
to temhuffy : u tea baggin me..pffft really?thanks for the beer u no skill negative kd bitch....but u shouldn't be representing a beer drinking clan u wine cooler sippin lil whore
10 years ago • 2 likes
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Check your clan page. Let's rage homie
10 years ago
10 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUgbqREPXpg [youtube.com] Look at this guys!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Just a hooah !
10 years ago • 2 likes
I should be married to beer..my wife HATES bf4!
10 years ago • 2 likes
Hooah, and Bumps available to clearly one of the most laid back platoons out there. Ive been waiting for a whole to say something as I didn't want to rec. y'all in case I was wrong. but nope, you really are that awesome!
Why am I being friendly? because Ive recently gone from casual to semi-competitive. tbh its what I miss from a solid group like you guys.

Y'all wanted a friendly scrim? come to me and Ill set up up.
If not, no worries this is just a shoutout. Carry on!
10 years ago • 3 likes
good games on your server today. thanks for the fair play.
10 years ago • 2 likes