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View all Members (41)

Created: 2014-04-22

2,889 / 43,000

324h 19m
"Play Smart, Play Ruthless, Play to Win!!"

Our platoon is based on playing competitively, meeting new gamers and of course having fun. We want all gamers to join us to and enjoy this awesome game known as Battlefield.


1. Communication

2.Strategy and Tactics

3.Players using their class as designated.

4.Squading up with fellow members.

5. Domination and Chaos
-Do you enjoy making opposing players "rage quit?" We do. Haha. Having teammates and dominating the field is what we love. Find your friends and make the enemy feel sorry they ever joined your game.


1.Have a mic and use it.

2.Willingness to squad up with platoon members.

3. Active on Battlelog.


A lot of teams have different ways of doing things. Here I want to hear from you. We are a collective of gamers and everyone should be heard. However players who contribute should be rewarded position and position should have privileges.

Main Founder: Archangel1740

2 Co-Founders: Open

4 Leaders: Ninjanay1, Mr Zeppy, NoblePunishment, 1 Open Position

8 Squad Leaders: AnTHemMADEHiERO, shady1692, Little Boycie, TheCheeseRabbit, 4 Open Positions


As said above players contributing should be rewarded position. Doesn't take much to contribute.But here are some things that help us as a platoon that helps us grow and become stronger.

1. Recruiting
-Helping us grow in numbers is a big deal. Invite your friends. Invite all those who are interested. Every member helps whether a veteran or a noob. The more people we have, the less chance anyone plays alone.

2. Activity on Battlelog
-Being on Battlelog and commenting on things isn't a big deal. But giving your opinion matters here.

3. Activity in Battlelog


-Squads are divided by times of the day that player normally play battlefield. By creating squads this way it makes it easier for members to play with other members. This helps us always have gamers meeting and squading up with others as a team. Members can be a part of multiple squads if they play at different times of the day. Example: I work nights so I play during the day but on my days off I play at night.

Delta Squad(Daytime)
-Little Boycie

Alpha Squad(Afternoon)
-Mr Zeppy
-Little Boycie

Echo Squad(Evening)
-x2LGT Galaxy
-DvA Infamy

Lima Squad(Late night)
-DvA Infamy


Wait they're not active.DAM these guys were on all the time.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 12 comments Read more
Half these went to some clan called MVP Nation
10 years ago
LOL yeah, I am one of them! At least they are active and I am the owner of one of their servers.
10 years ago
you guys active yet? I'm kinda waiting for you guys to be active again
10 years ago • 0 Like
I play everyday but I think a lot of people are not playing so much cuz its summer. I been working 60 hrs a week so I hardly have time to play.
10 years ago
i know that. I'm talking about the rest of the 45 members.
10 years ago
lol u guys have grown
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
Viagra was not needed.......
10 years ago
sucks that they are not active anymore.
10 years ago
10v10 conquest small if interested message me
Gamer tag: BxHSouLTaK3R
Platoon page: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/4124488651718186613/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys! You guys haven't heard from me in a while (because I left). Anyways, I'm in a platoon called MVP NATION. We wanted to know if you guys would be interested in scrimmaging us sometime. You can message "surf23gd" if you guys are interested.
10 years ago • 0 Like
damn!What have u guys been doing my BF4 dont work so i doing it on BF3.See u guys later.
-General Conners
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, found this platoon in the forums. Any chance of me joining? Live in Australia, time zones may sort of be difficult for me to be on during the time when 'everyone' is on. Have no mic, but I'm pretty set on the objectives in the game so squading up and playing alongside fellow members won't be hard.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Anyone excited for Dragon's Teeth? I know I am. Hit me with a message if you want to play with someone around its release.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I am for sure. Can't wait.
10 years ago
Can i join the platoon or Nah
10 years ago • 0 Like
Or nah! Haha well played man
10 years ago
Hey if yall would like to scrim team jager message me on xbox live my gt is texasbadass thanks
10 years ago • 0 Like
yo bboybullet why did you add me on battlelog bruh have we played together?
10 years ago • 0 Like
No but I saw your post regarding looking for a platoon to join. So I was going to extend you an invitation to LETHAL VELOCITY.
10 years ago
Im not bragging I am just curious, am I the only one in the Platoon that has 43 weapons with at least one service star with them? LOL what can I say I like variety.
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
Can I join you're platoon please I play a good game good in most game modes and most vehicles my gamertag is Bearablesteak I'm looking for a active platoon that do play together and with tactics I have a mic aswell
10 years ago • 0 Like
yo bboybullet81 can i join yo clan. i ptfop play the @#$%^&* objective properly. i have a mic ,and i use vehicles and i can not do jets that good. so may i join the clan plz.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Add me on Xbox. Archangel1740
10 years ago
k and i will get on on the weekend man
10 years ago
I'd like to get some games in with you guys, gonna try to send bboy an fr on Xbox...
10 years ago • 0 Like
Many of us will be on tomorrow during the day and tomorrow night.
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
Haha. OK. I just figured our platoons could be allies. Take care
10 years ago
Always looking for more recruits who love to dominate the field. Squad up with players who communicate, play to win and put team play ahead of K/D.
10 years ago • 6 likes