[K] Karma

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Website: www.karmaclan.com • Created: 2014-02-27

5,415 / 39,000

221h 40m
Karma Clan of Games is an eSports organization since 1st May of 1999. We participate in the most welknown and competitive eSports events.


Уважаемый взвод!
TEAM FURY приглашает Вас на наши стабильные сервера:

Сервер №1 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/0b32bc5b-4010-455f-9298-2479dc3ecfc6/FURY-1-CONQUEST-LARGE-KILL-ALL-1600-Tickets/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Сервер №2 - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/83e69988-e0fc-4aae-ac1e-d8986d456167/FURY-2-ONLY-OPERATION-LOCKER-KILL-ALL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Информация о сервере:
http://vk.com/topic-97515639_33284342 [vk.com]
Всем душевной игры и хорошего скилла!
До встречи на поле боя!

С уважением TEAM FURY.
9 years ago • 0 Like
AewyreToryn, now you know, how you have to use the AA. Dont blame me because iam more intelligent than you, okay? You use AA too, but you are too dumb for it. Just basecamping is useless for the Team. You understand this now, right? :-)
9 years ago • 1 Like
A.N.N Ajan Network news presentation :after research and analysis, we came to the conclusion that AJAN CLAN with 11.000.000 Points make the first place on Battlefield 4 game in Turkey.We have 500 Clan members need the same 1.Place in Turkey and top 3 of a World in Battlefield 4 Platoons.We have many Clan members from around the World, so we have created a new clan AJAN WORLD for you.You are welcome when like to Play with us. I am ABOKOM Asbera say to you, enjoy it.
4. Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/4373185141668467986/
1.Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/platoons/view/453035467…/
2.Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/6489274965559233775/
3. Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/1296040439142155429/
10 years ago • 1 Like
Boas, Gostaria de saber se voces estão a recrutar, Era dos uPGaming, mas devido a alguns problemas e inatividade de certo jogadores, a Squad ficou inativa e tornou-se apenas um jogo de Fun ca dentro. um abraço
10 years ago • 0 Like
Look what i got with a Battlepack...

http://i.imgur.com/WTIL3tO.png [i.imgur.com]
10 years ago • 2 likes
nos meus só saiem boosts de 25% :(
11 years ago
somos ja 2
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like