[KoF] Knights of Freedom
Website: knightsclan.info/forums/index.php?act=idx •
Created: 2014-02-27
33,236,469 / 3,306,000
9685h 15m
Help support the KoF servers by donating at the following link
http://www.knightsclan.info/forums/index.php?showforum=286 [knightsclan.info]
Knights of Freedom is an Online Game Community based on the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship - where everyone is someone. We are a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy participating in online games such as BF4,BF3, BC2..
KoF was created in 2005 & has recently moved into BFH. We have 2 active BF4 servers where you can almost always find a game,
TS: www.cugs.org:9993
KoF BF4 servers
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/3802efb3-c73b-4f50-be26-02ac7e7623be/1-24-7-Conquest-KoF1-Adrenaline-Extra/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/1fe82cc7-ad60-49c2-9d27-d386729dcdc4/2-24-7-Conquest-KoF2-Adrenaline-Extra/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofFreedom?ref_type=bookmark [facebook.com]
http://www.knightsclan.info/forums/index.php?showforum=286 [knightsclan.info]
Knights of Freedom is an Online Game Community based on the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship - where everyone is someone. We are a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy participating in online games such as BF4,BF3, BC2..
KoF was created in 2005 & has recently moved into BFH. We have 2 active BF4 servers where you can almost always find a game,
TS: www.cugs.org:9993
KoF BF4 servers
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/3802efb3-c73b-4f50-be26-02ac7e7623be/1-24-7-Conquest-KoF1-Adrenaline-Extra/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/1fe82cc7-ad60-49c2-9d27-d386729dcdc4/2-24-7-Conquest-KoF2-Adrenaline-Extra/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofFreedom?ref_type=bookmark [facebook.com]
When you need an admin or want an unban you can post in our forum www.knightsclan.com or send a mail to wilgis@knightsclan.org.
Posts written here on our platoon page will mostly get removed and not answered.
Posts written here on our platoon page will mostly get removed and not answered.
8 years ago • 0
2 / 7 comments
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Wi whether the server will be returned by bf4?
I really hope this pussyfooting clan died
Interested in joining the KoF platoon?
Before applying please fill out a registration at
Before applying please fill out a registration at
11 years ago • 8
Is the clan still active or dead? i just started playing BF4 again since 2016. greetings to anybody still here playing! hmu <3
5 years ago • 0
Whiskey922 https://gyazo.com/988f15a9d3805e3d692a54e91c092d78 [gyazo.com] looks like my account is still here, Feel free to rejoin and play any time. Any more toxicity will result in a permanent ban.
6 years ago • 0
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Why you think we are all from UK, because we are not. Go play tetris if you cant handle getting killed.
8 years ago
KoF is hands down the best server I've played on. Good regulars, good staff and good sportsmanship. Highly recommended to anyone looking for an enjoyable BF4 experience without the trolling/immaturity that seems to surround many other servers. Keep up the good work Wilgis and crew!
7 years ago • 0
Only negative comments. That does not surprise me. I just got banned from the servor, because I dared to say "we cant say anything on this servor", because during 2 hours on this servor I saw maybe 3 guys kiked for nothing, and maybe 15 warns always for nothing. I do not see any pleasure in playing on this server, you are lamentable and act like big egoists kids without any humour sence. It is worse than dictatorship there...
8 years ago • 0
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You dont know anything about it TRELOSDOLOFONOS. You never played on our server, you dont know me. So leave us alone and keep your comments to yourself.
7 years ago
As the previous 1 month suspension has not seemed to have sunk in, I am now issuing a 6 month suspension from Battlelog.
As the previous 1 month suspension has not seemed to have sunk in, I am now issuing a 6 month suspension from Battlelog.
7 years ago
seeing so many negative comments, but as long as you obey the rules like I do, the clan is brilliant, applied to join.
8 years ago • 1
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nice admin crying for a simple tbag in your server without rules, very nice Pulg4s4ri :D
8 years ago • 1
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haha what a kiddy clan....kicked for....wait it will come now....emblem? xDDD
i have another emblem for you guys.... you noob.... maybe this is better :D
next time when you play better and dont get killed you will not see it but i know aming and such things xD
i have another emblem for you guys.... you noob.... maybe this is better :D
next time when you play better and dont get killed you will not see it but i know aming and such things xD
8 years ago • 0
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Keep crying, makes you look like a little baby. Get over it and go play elsewhere.
8 years ago
Wilgis, your a jumped up little terd, kicking people for next to nothing, throwing your weight around, get a life you pint sized prick. Bet a cool breeze would blow you over in the real world so play the big boy in game, OTT Admin.
8 years ago • 2
deletedaccbai and
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Says the 'Original Tough Guy' behind his keyboard who clearly bans anyone and everyone who even so much as farts in your server
8 years ago
wrong. I only ban people who cant follow server rules after several warnings/kills/kicks.
8 years ago
I got Admin killed Yesterday without any reason, then i got kicked....
I got that sh*t on Video. But Whiskey922 can read Minds.....
https://youtu.be/Zc5SXxOkL8c [youtu.be]
I got that sh*t on Video. But Whiskey922 can read Minds.....
https://youtu.be/Zc5SXxOkL8c [youtu.be]
8 years ago • 0
Fucking idiots. They should not be alowed to run a server. Insulting players with no reason.They call themselves knights but they are more like racist peasants. They told me i am "dim" and and i lack intelligence when i told him my native language is not english and i dont understand what he means by calling me "dim". At least i am smart enough to recognise a racist piece of shit like you and never come back on your server. You are nothing but an embarrassment to your parents.
8 years ago • 1
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sorry but i dont understand is it herass or harras and what does this mean?by the way nice photo of you two fake smiles and welcome to the meatcracker.if you dont obey their rules=slaves and telling something diferent or telling the truth they call the moderator and he bann you.nice democracy wilgis from holland.i forgot you are civilized people and we are not because we are telling the truth. all the people most of them here and in your clan forums are against you and your behaviur too.and you are talking about herras or harass.who is the evel then?you of course and you cant handle this.its not our fault its yours man
8 years ago
Harassment is posting unwanted content.
Clearly, The other user has got you posting on his behalf, I have asked you to stop and you continued.
So I am now issuing a suspension from Battlelog for the harassment and additionally for the abuse you left in your recent post.
I am giving you a month away to reconsider your position here on Battlelog.
Clearly, The other user has got you posting on his behalf, I have asked you to stop and you continued.
So I am now issuing a suspension from Battlelog for the harassment and additionally for the abuse you left in your recent post.
I am giving you a month away to reconsider your position here on Battlelog.
8 years ago
Thx for perm ban. I call you noobs, because admin kill me for camping..... IN SCOUT HELI. Fucking really? I kick your ass, and you "kill me in action" ? Reason - camping..... IN HELI? :D What a fucking nonsens. My stats 40-4. Admins here are mad kids? Or what? I have pic and video from this round :) Salut noobs :>
8 years ago • 2
akaTrollface and
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Dude, this is tactic flying on scout heli.... Hit&Hide. I kill somebody, and back hidden behind buildings and I waiting for ECM renewal. When I back to base repair my heli u kill me in action.... WTF? I dont understand your "rules". I no camping in base, i no baseraping your team.... Whats wrong with you?
8 years ago
You dont understand the rules. What part of: "no returning to uncap" dont you understand?
8 years ago
Clans of Kevin's, kicking me on Firestorm bcs iam "camping" in the base. clan of dickheads with e-sport aim. U CANT FLY IN THE ACTION BECAUSE THEY ARE 2 JETS AND 1 AA U STUPID NIGGERS. LEARN TO PLAY WITH LVL 140
8 years ago • 0
When you need an admin or want an unban you can post in our forum www.knightsclan.com or send a mail to wilgis@knightsclan.org.
Posts written here on our platoon page will mostly get removed and not answered.
Posts written here on our platoon page will mostly get removed and not answered.
10 years ago • 4
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Hey I think you should rethink your admins, one of them banned me after I said "I'm sexually confused should I still type that (One of your admins said "If you're confused type @rules"). Well technically he kicked me after that, then I said it again then said "Sue me" and he banned me. As I have no wish of being unbanned or creating an account on your forums I posted it here. Just felt like you should know.
8 years ago
You were pushing the limit for a while already. Use respect next time you play on someone else's server.
8 years ago
The_WIlgis you are a bully. you could unban but choose not to. I apologised but still chose not to unban me.
8 years ago • 0
told to go to our forum. If you are not willing to do that the ban stays. Simpel as that.
8 years ago
unban me please, I'm very sorry for being disrespectful. the rest of my clan are on your server. thank for your time
8 years ago • 0