[AF] Arc Of Fire

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Website: www.facebook.com/arcoffire/ • Created: 2014-04-17

1,783 / 11,000

27h 50m
The Arc of Fire is a gaming organization that is composed of a small tight knit group of comrades. The AoF spans not only video games but tabletop wargaming.

We enjoy team work and leave the "lone wolf" mentality at the door. Everything is done better in a group.

We believe in good communication and respect.


POINT OF ORDER: This platoon pride it's self in being different than others in our game play.
MEANING: Air crafts are not taxi's - if you are in the pilot seat, pilot the craft or switch seats before taking off. Additionally, If you do need it to transport to a location land it safely and let someone else take over.
¡Crashing an air craft and killing your team mates because you hopped out is unacceptable and will get you dishonorably discharged from The Grey Guard.!
10 years ago • 1 Like
The grey guard has officially changed over to the Arc Of Fire. Please feel free to visit out Website and Face book:
https://arcoffire.wordpress.com/ [arcoffire.wordpress.com]

https://www.facebook.com/ArcOfFire/ [facebook.com]
6 years ago • 0 Like
Here is link to our new portal for Titanfall 2

https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/325146/ [titanfall.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
OH yeah! Use a Mic and point out things. If/when you become a squad lead give direction and tell the people your playing with you would like them to go in the general direction of your marked waypoint. Take note of them for a round, if they arent helping your squad... kick them out. This game is still based on team work and points. Everyone in the squad gets more points playing together than "lone wolf-ing" it...
9 years ago • 0 Like
Ok So Hardline is easier than all other Battlefields to date... with that being said, I know it can be very frustrating to have bullets follow you around corners and sniper be able to pull off so many rounds so quickly. Lets not let that stop you. Use the new game mechanize to your advantage until they (hopefully) restore some integrity to the game again.

It would be a long time coming but my advice is, stick with a class until you get it an equipment set up that works best for you.

Use your big map to find snipers and hunt them down... so much so they don't want to snipe anymore. It's ok to grief them, they either learn or switch, it's the same thing we do to them.

Make sure to PLAY YOUR CLASS, and Medics... you dont have to ReS everyone, some people just need to stay dead. Why? Because Reviving them would result in your death and probably theirs, again. SOoo ALway check the scene first then res, then drop health. Your life is more important than the dead body.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Remember soldiers, aim small miss small! I am prone to aiming for the body and have suffer the consequences of that mistake many time, thusly try your hardest to keep your cross hairs up and your focus on the target and not on the crosshairs
10 years ago • 2 likes