[AirB] Airborne Tactical
Website: sites.google.com/site/airbornetacticalgamingairb/ •
Created: 2014-02-28
1085h 45m
Welcome to the home of the US Airborne Infantry!!!
***Now Recruiting***
Original Founder: Nyc_Superuser
Co-Leader: Ipwnuptehbutt
Co-Leader: Kasen13
Clan Alliance: ACRT(coming soon)
Server: Airborne Warfare Center
Host: Kasen13
This platoon was formed for serious gamers who don't take themselves too seriously. We've found Battlefield requires just as much skill as any sport and can be just as rewarding. There is nothing like working your way up thru the ranks from a lowly noob to a highly skilled Colonel
but there is only so far you can go by yourself. Anyone who has played against a veteran squad communicating with mics know the kind of hell can be raised. That's where we come in.
Being Airborne first and foremost we are all riflemen. Marksmenship is highly valued. Paratroopers can only carry what they need and only need what they carry. We are prepared to defeat any threat on the battlefield. We are highly mobile, use superior training and battle tested tactics to overwhelm our enemies.
Airborne Infantry is looking for players who:
1) Have a mic- This is necessary for communication. Exceptions will be made for close friends and those in process of getting mic
2)Play for the win- I could care less about your kill/death ratio or score per minute. We need people that want to use teamwork to achieve victory not go Rambo and pat your stats.
3)Be willing to make new friends- Everyone in this platoon met on Battlefield and we all are respectful to eachother and our teammates. Anyone on the enemy team is fair game.
4)Must wear clan tags when playing with other members- We look out for each other.
5)No T-Bagging fellow Airborne Members
6) Actively play and train with fellow clan members
Alpha Squad- Airborne Combat Infantry
Squad Leader- kasen13
First Officer- Apply
Bravo Squad- Airborne Combat Support Specialists
Squad Leader- Apply
First Officer- Apply
Charlie Squad- AirBorne Training and Separation
New Recruits:
Ghost Members:
Legacy Members:
Delta Squad- Airborne Special Operations
Squad Leader- nyc_superuser
First Officer- Apply
***ALL members are part of Alpha Squad(Assault, Support & Engineer). Members need to recruit and build up a Squad of 5 that you can rely on. Delta Squad(Recon) is based only on recommendations and is limited to only 10 members. All Positions in this Clan are Competitive... meaning any position can be obtained and no one is permanent. Prove to be a better leader by being a better follower.
***Now Recruiting***
Original Founder: Nyc_Superuser
Co-Leader: Ipwnuptehbutt
Co-Leader: Kasen13
Clan Alliance: ACRT(coming soon)
Server: Airborne Warfare Center
Host: Kasen13
This platoon was formed for serious gamers who don't take themselves too seriously. We've found Battlefield requires just as much skill as any sport and can be just as rewarding. There is nothing like working your way up thru the ranks from a lowly noob to a highly skilled Colonel
but there is only so far you can go by yourself. Anyone who has played against a veteran squad communicating with mics know the kind of hell can be raised. That's where we come in.
Being Airborne first and foremost we are all riflemen. Marksmenship is highly valued. Paratroopers can only carry what they need and only need what they carry. We are prepared to defeat any threat on the battlefield. We are highly mobile, use superior training and battle tested tactics to overwhelm our enemies.
Airborne Infantry is looking for players who:
1) Have a mic- This is necessary for communication. Exceptions will be made for close friends and those in process of getting mic
2)Play for the win- I could care less about your kill/death ratio or score per minute. We need people that want to use teamwork to achieve victory not go Rambo and pat your stats.
3)Be willing to make new friends- Everyone in this platoon met on Battlefield and we all are respectful to eachother and our teammates. Anyone on the enemy team is fair game.
4)Must wear clan tags when playing with other members- We look out for each other.
5)No T-Bagging fellow Airborne Members
6) Actively play and train with fellow clan members
Alpha Squad- Airborne Combat Infantry
Squad Leader- kasen13
First Officer- Apply
Bravo Squad- Airborne Combat Support Specialists
Squad Leader- Apply
First Officer- Apply
Charlie Squad- AirBorne Training and Separation
New Recruits:
Ghost Members:
Legacy Members:
Delta Squad- Airborne Special Operations
Squad Leader- nyc_superuser
First Officer- Apply
***ALL members are part of Alpha Squad(Assault, Support & Engineer). Members need to recruit and build up a Squad of 5 that you can rely on. Delta Squad(Recon) is based only on recommendations and is limited to only 10 members. All Positions in this Clan are Competitive... meaning any position can be obtained and no one is permanent. Prove to be a better leader by being a better follower.