[VG] VG Prometheus

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Website: www.veritasgaminghq.com/ • Created: 2014-02-27

4,589 / 37,000

266h 7m
VG EU PS3 BF4 Squad!

Veritas Gaming's aim is to provide a fair and structured environment for its members to play at either a casual or competitive level. We work hard to provide a quality base point for its members and staff, to take their gaming to the next level. To learn from each other, to work as a strong and mature organization and most importantly to respect one another and their opinions.

We always will value and recognize initiative and hard work in members, and where possible we will strive to reward these efforts. We work on a democratic structure, whereby discussion and voting on new initiatives are the core principles of how the community will be run.

The Core principles of Veritas Gaming are as follows:

Equality – we will treat all members equally if they are administration or recruits

Transparency – we will provide you as the members with all information that has been approved at the senior staff level. If there are issues with staff, this will be displayed named and recognized as a constructive process. All site offices ( that do not contain confidential information ) will be viewable by our member base.

Professionalism – the community's structure and running will be performed to the highest level possible, whilst keeping an enjoyable and recreational environment.

Communication – this is one of the key elements to a successful network, communicating with each other is central to any smooth running organization, at member and staff level.

Something for all – we aim to provide an environment for everyone, if you are a casual player and can only commit to a few games a week that’s fine, if you want to play all day everyday, and be part of a highly focused competitive squad, that’s what we want too.

Non discriminating – no-one with the community will be subjected to discrimination. Anyone found to be treating other members in this way will be assessed and will be removed should the situation warrant this.

Staff service – the staff are here to provide the best community and site that we can for our members, if you are not happy or you feel there is something we are missing then tell us. We will always discuss your ideas, and evaluate them. And it will not reflect negatively on you to speak your mind.


For players who want to apply to the platoon, READ this first:

Sign up to www.veritasgaminghq.com

If you do this you can choose between STRUCTURED member, FLEXIBLE member or COMMUNITY member
STRUCTURED member means you'll attend every practice you can, have a input on our forum, give suggestions for squadplay and stuff like that. You will gain points for attending practices.
As a FLEXIBLE member you'll have to attend 4 hours of gaming with the squad on a monthly base. You will also gain points and also have some input on our squad forum.
As COMMUNITY member you'll only have to post something on our forum once every 3 months.
We are mainly searching for Structured or flexible members.

The members on this platoon take VERITAS GAMING seriously. We have MANDATORY practice (STRUCTURED members have to attend these practices unless they can't attend then post it on the squad forum) FLEXIBLE member and COMMUNITY members are allways welcome on Tuesday 8pm GMT and Sunday 8pm GMT, OPTIONAL practice on Friday 8pm GMT

If this is something for you add thrice1982 or mistajam_89 on PSN and we will give you the details.

Greetz thrice1982 Squadleader Prometheus Squad.
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi u fancy a 12v12 friendly this week mate
10 years ago • 0 Like
hi bud u fancy a 12v12 this saturday
10 years ago • 0 Like
yeah we will keep u in mind right now tring to schdule a war with the TBH
10 years ago • 0 Like