[KAOD] Kiddo Army

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Created: 2014-02-27

10,773 / 25,000

58h 12m


DFA gaming would like to 5x5 dom scrim, preferably with ESL rules. If interested, add me (Iskusmarines) Moliat, and SgtAnsik
11 years ago • 0 Like
Hopefully we could make this a regular thing as well
11 years ago
Hi guys! I hope I'm not impinging too hard on your community here, I just wanted to take a minute to unscrupulously advertise a BF4 tournament I play in and see if any of you would be interested in joining. Feel free to delete in you don't think this is relevant, and apologies for doing so in advance. Just looking for some good folks to join us!

21st Century Warfare (21CW) is an organised battlefield tournament. It is the oldest battlefield tournament still in existence, having started with Battlefield 1942 (Desert Combat mod) and currently playing Battlefield 4. The tournament consists of armies battling all day Saturday to gain points, contributing to the final tournament result.

The idea is to play BF the way it was meant to be played, 32 v 32 with organized teams. Combined arms are important, and we could definitely use some solid players. Feel free to add me on Origin if you would like to know more, or check out our website @ http://21cwforums.com/content.php [21cwforums.com] .

If you're interested, please join the Coalition side... since I took the time to come find y'all!
11 years ago • 0 Like
hey wollt mal fragen wie man bei euch rein kann wäre saucool :D
11 years ago • 0 Like