[USMC] United States Ma Corps

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2116h 24m
The USMC is a serious gaming community whom true focus, is making it to the top 10 United States Battlefield gaming clans,USMC has 6 dedicated leaders with 3 years of serious gaming experiences.The USMC is all about military simulation and tactical domination,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
USMC Recruiting Hand Book.
Before Members Join They must meet 85% of the requirements.)
If new recruits do not at least meet 85% of the recruitment terms,then the recruiting officer has to look at all of the new recruit status.
Status need to over look,the recruiting terms,like rank higher then 40 and k/d higher then 1.30.

New recruit rank on bf4 must be higher then 40
New recruit k/d must be higher then 1.30
If the clan has any type of communication recourse's they need to apply them,
This is a must, no going around it,recourse's-Gnotes,battlelog,Playstation network app,PSN,kikster app, Gmail, Email and by via text,if new recruit are not welling to apply these terms,then they are no longer eligible for the USMC.
New recruits must wear their your clan tag as soon as they join,the enlistment
New recruits must participate in clan practices,its a must.
New recruits must participate in clan scrim battles.
New recruits must be active
New recruits need to have a mic, if they don't,They must play their class,must play their objective,must listen to leaders in game commands,must listen to squad leaders commands and they also must learn all commands.
New recruits must know the definition of loyalty, and they must show loyalty.
New recruits must respect their elders and the higher rank ladders,
New recruits must not be apart of any other clan or platoons unless they are apart of the USMC Corps.
New recruits must leave any clan or Platoon that their in before joining the USMC. New recruits must copy the clan emblem to their emblem gallery and apply it to there soldier,This is a must.
New recruits must have all leaders and command as friends,as well as the (SOG) Secretary Organization Group.
After new recruits add all of the leaders,they should work on adding the commission career clan members.
When leaders or (SOG) are online playing bf4 The new recruits must join,till they become a full commission career clan member.
If more then two members of the commission or the non commission are online playing bf4 its a requirement for them to squad up,this is a must.
========================================================= Before joining the DevilDog USMC Boot Camp,members must meet 85% of the trail work labor.)--probation trail.
In order for the USMC to trust its enlistment,The new recruits well need to go by somewhat a 2 week, 3 week,and up to a month probation trail,depending on how the recruiter and the high ranks feels about this certain new recruit,all commission career clan members have the right to judge the enlist,before letting a new recruit enlist to the,(DevilDog USMC Boot Camp).

1)-They must meet the USMC recruitment's,(all of it)
2)-They must keep there k/d above 1.30,(when they join there k/d might drop)
3)-They must have added all leaders and all career commission clan members added as friends-PSN and battlelog.
4)-they must build a bond
5)-they must not ware the lower case (usmc) clan tag,in till they are enlisted
After the above is completed, the recruiter and the ranks 27,26,25,24,23,22 well have a meeting with the new recruit/enlist in a PSN chat room to discuss rather the new recruit/enlist is able to enlist in the DevilDog USMC Boot Camp.


BOOT CAMP Enlist¦「emblem rank」(0-0*)-(0-0**)-(0-0***)-(0-0****).

BOOT CAMP Private¦「emblem rank」(0-1*)-(0-1**)-(0-1***)-(0-1****).

BOOT CAMP First Class Private¦「emblem rank」(0-2*)-(0-2**)-(0-2***)-(0-2****).

BOOT CAMP Lance Corporal¦「emblem rank」(0-3*)-(0-3**)-(0-3***)-(0-3****).

BOOT CAMP Corporal¦「emblem rank」(0-4*)-(0-4**)-(0-4***)-(0-4****).

BOOT CAMP Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-5*)-(0-5**)-(0-5***)-(0-5****).

BOOT CAMP Staff Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-6*)-(0-6**)-(0-6***)-(0-6****).

BOOT CAMP Gunnery Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-7*)-(0-7**)-(0-7***)-(0-7****).

BOOT CAMP Master Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-8*)-(0-8**)-(0-8***)-(0-8****).

BOOT CAMP First Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-9*)-(0-9**)-(0-9***)-(0-9****).

BOOT CAMP Master Gunnery Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(0-10*)-(0-10**)-(0-10***)-(0-10****).

BOOT CAMP Sergeant Major¦「emblem rank」(0-11*)-(0-11**)-(0-11***)-(0-11****).

Sergeant Major of the USMC PROTOTYPE¦「emblem rank」(0-12*)-(0-12**)-(0-12***)-(0-12****).
United States Marine Corps Emblem Ranking System,Real Ranks
Private¦「emblem rank」(01*)-(01**)-(01***)-(01****).

First Class Private¦「emblem rank」(02*)-(02**)-(02***)-(02****).

Lance Corporal¦「emblem rank」(03*)-(03**)-(03***)-(03****).

Corporal¦「emblem rank」(04*)-(04**)-(04***)-(04****).

Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(05*)-(05**)-(05***)-(05****).

Staff Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(06*)-(06**)-(06***)-(06****).

Gunnery Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(07*)-(07**)-(07***)-(07****).

Master Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(08*)-(08**)-(08***)-(08****).

First Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(09*)-(09**)-(09***)-(09****).

Master Gunnery Sergeant¦「emblem rank」(10*)-(10**)-(10***)-(10****).

Sergeant Major¦「emblem rank」(11*)-(11**)-(11***)-(11****).

Sergeant Major of the USMC Real¦「emblem rank」(12*)-(12**)-(12***)-(12****).
United States Marines Corps Real2} USMC
Warrant Officer¦「emblem rank」(13*)-(13**)-(13***)-(13****)

Chief Warrant Officer 2¦「emblem rank」(14*)-(14**)-(14***)-(14****)

Chief Warrant Officer 3¦「emblem rank」(15*)-(15**)-(15***)-(15****)

Chief Warrant Officer 4¦「emblem rank」(16*)-(16**)-(16***)-(16****)

Chief Warrant Officer 5¦「emblem rank」(17*)-(17**)-(17***)-(17****)

Second Lieutenant¦「emblem rank」rank number (18*) and USMC symbol

First Lieutenant¦「emblem rank」rank number (19**) and USMC symbol

Captain¦「emblem rank」rank number (20***) and USMC symbol

Major¦「emblem rank」rank number (21****) and USMC symbol

Lieutenant Colonel¦「emblem rank」rank number (22) USMC symbol and wreath

Colonel¦「emblem rank」rank number (23) USMC symbol and wreath

Brigadier General¦「emblem rank」rank number (24*) USMC symbol and wreath

Major General¦「emblem rank」rank number (25**) USMC symbol and wreath

Lieutenant General¦「emblem rank」rank number (26***) USMC symbol wreath

General¦「emblem rank」rank number (27****) USMC symbol


Hey well I'm a regular player and I play well I think but I recently bought battlefild 1 and battlefield 4 so I'm not high level yet, can I have a chance to join anyway? I want to join the usmc and I think i't would be nice to join a clan dedicated to the usmc
7 years ago • 0 Like
Can the founders of United States Ma Corps please review my profile for entry of the platoon
8 years ago • 0 Like
I am the leader of ARK ANGKLS TAA I am looking for freindy clans I have my own sever if you all would like to check it out let me know acidburn21281 on PS3
8 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to the
We're six teams battle in a nine week season for the crown of the UBC.
Battles will take place on Sunday's as its one of he most convenient times to gather the troops.
This is a ps3 league

-Rules of the season are as follows teams will play a match of domination, then a classic CQ match.
If neither team wins both matches there will be a tie breaker with some classic tdm. Winner of the two
out of three matches will receive ten points for that week. At the end of the season the top four teams will
advance in the final four. The remainder two platoons will battle to be crowned the UBC Platoon of the season.

-Weapon restrictions no XM25, Shotguns, any grenade launcher, and no pick up weapons.

-Registration process go to this page http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/6772452458622691448/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] leave a comment if your interested.
-I will reply within a couple of hours of any comments.

1 Available Spots
- Tactical Response
- Freaks of War
- The Higher Cause
9 years ago • 0 Like
clan war 5v5 DOM against sQ? My friend/clan member Iamthedudeman suggested that we should clan war you. ;)

add me if interested
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys, are casual players allowed into the game aswell?
I'm a soldier IRL so I dont get to play besides weekends, and even then cant attend clanwars. I I would love to have some teamwork on the servers with good mates.
Hope you guys wont mind!
9 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
i don't think there would be a problem with that if you message our leader gunny i am sure he can sort something out for you
9 years ago
Hey, I havent logged on yet since im still in the army. would be great if you guys could help me and let the leaders know since I can't really access battlelog properly at the base.. I bought a headset recently, it would be great to play with you guys as part of the platoon at this weekend..
9 years ago
Hey guys, I'm really interested in this platoon. Just applied and I'm sure I meet most of the requirements to join. Totally dedicated if accepted. Hope to hear from one of the founders soon.
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey im interested in joining just wondering if this is a real USMC clan thats what im looking for guys who were in. thanks alot
9 years ago • 0 Like