[UN] UnitedNoobs
Website: www.unitednoobs.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
922 / 15,000
839h 32m
Can anyone recommend someone who can make professional grade emblems for Battlefield 4? Will pay, but we need a top artist
8 years ago • 0
tks bro .
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
I'm ranked #1 attack jet pilot USA for PC. #1 in World for attack jet in my opinion for legit stats (meaning always fair competition with no air truce BS and play any map on unstacked teams with ground maps included) but it says i'm #3. Make no doubt about it, speed scripts absolutely exist. It is literally humanly impossible to keep 308-313 speed for much longer then a few secs at a time without one. When you see a pilot do it for 4-6 mins at a time during a DF or basically their entire flight time you can bet it's a speed script. I have had players tell me they used to use it and that basically all the "Pro" DF community all know about it as it is common for competitive matches. Pro is something that is actually regulated and you get paid for so make sure you understand that 99.9% of that stuff is BS and "kid" rhetoric. Anyone can say they are 'Pro". If some kid calls you a pubstar just know its again "kid" rhetoric and they are trying to make themselves look and seem accomplished. The kids that typically use it are the kids that constantly talk about DFing and how good they are at it. They usually get pretty immature, abusive in chat and seem god like in turn speed. This is not always but extremely typical of the kids that do use it.
I wish DICE would do more to find and ban these noobs that use these scripts. The problem is that a lot of these gaming keyboard and mouse companys are making them with built in macros for these talentless noobs and is really against their best interest to go after them on a serious level which is why i think they don't do it. They make to much damn money and are in Cahoots. It's part of the money making machine. Just know if you have to use a macro to help you in a video game that it is the same as cheating. You should not be allowed any other tools to use additional to the tools provided by the game.
Note: There are plenty of good pilots out there that do not use hacks or macros that get accused of hacking every day. You inexperienced noobs ( Typically Older Men in their 40's and 50's) that accuse these players are just as bad as the dirt bags using the hacks & macros. You guys need to educate yourselves and know what to look for before you start the hackusations.
Be advised... If you use a hack or macro of any kind you are a talentless scum bag in my opinion. Take the time to actually learn something and stop being a little bitch by taking the cowardly easy way. Hell yeah i take gaming seriously and you and i both know you do too which is exactly why your reading this thread. :)
Ps. I just launched my own server for good players, bad players and everything in between. Look for B3 Fast Spawn. The Golden Shower. 24/7 Best Maps | New York and add it to your favs please. :)
I wish DICE would do more to find and ban these noobs that use these scripts. The problem is that a lot of these gaming keyboard and mouse companys are making them with built in macros for these talentless noobs and is really against their best interest to go after them on a serious level which is why i think they don't do it. They make to much damn money and are in Cahoots. It's part of the money making machine. Just know if you have to use a macro to help you in a video game that it is the same as cheating. You should not be allowed any other tools to use additional to the tools provided by the game.
Note: There are plenty of good pilots out there that do not use hacks or macros that get accused of hacking every day. You inexperienced noobs ( Typically Older Men in their 40's and 50's) that accuse these players are just as bad as the dirt bags using the hacks & macros. You guys need to educate yourselves and know what to look for before you start the hackusations.
Be advised... If you use a hack or macro of any kind you are a talentless scum bag in my opinion. Take the time to actually learn something and stop being a little bitch by taking the cowardly easy way. Hell yeah i take gaming seriously and you and i both know you do too which is exactly why your reading this thread. :)
Ps. I just launched my own server for good players, bad players and everything in between. Look for B3 Fast Spawn. The Golden Shower. 24/7 Best Maps | New York and add it to your favs please. :)
9 years ago • 0
enced noobs ( Typically Older Men in their 40's and 50's) that accuse these players are just as bad as the dirt bags using the hacks & macros. You guys need to educate yourselves and know what to look for before you start the hackusations.
Be advised... If you use a hack or macro of any kind you are a talentless scum bag in my opinion. Take the time to actually learn something and stop being a little bitch by taking the cowardly easy way. Hell yeah i take gaming seriously and you and i both know you do too which is exactly why your reading this thread. :)
Ps. I just launched my own server for good players, bad players and everything in between. Look for B3 Fast Spawn. The Golden Shower. 24/7 Best Maps | New York and add it to your favs please. :)
Be advised... If you use a hack or macro of any kind you are a talentless scum bag in my opinion. Take the time to actually learn something and stop being a little bitch by taking the cowardly easy way. Hell yeah i take gaming seriously and you and i both know you do too which is exactly why your reading this thread. :)
Ps. I just launched my own server for good players, bad players and everything in between. Look for B3 Fast Spawn. The Golden Shower. 24/7 Best Maps | New York and add it to your favs please. :)
9 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/5f8a2cb1-674d-4efa-a81b-057a0c04e000/SoF-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-3200-Tickets/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/5f8a2cb1-674d-4efa-a81b-057a0c04e000/SoF-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-3200-Tickets/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Is there any chance y'all could switch the UN NOOBS IN CHINA Server over to just Guilin Peaks 24/7 3200 tickets (instead of Guilin and then Silk Road)?
I noticed it has a tendency to die right after Guilin because not many people like playing on Silk Road. In the morning it's difficult to get re-started because it takes all of the 1st round to fill it up, and then we have to wait an hour and a half to play on Guilin again. Alot of us in my Platoon would play on your server constantly if it was just Guilin 24/7 3200 tickets. Actually, I'm really surprised there isn't a 24/7 Guilin Server. I think it'd be more popular than alot of 24/7 Metro or Locker servers.
Oh, and any chance we can get a different autobalancer? One that doesn't kill someone to move them, and doesn't balance by rank, and let's people play with their friends?
Thanks guys!
I noticed it has a tendency to die right after Guilin because not many people like playing on Silk Road. In the morning it's difficult to get re-started because it takes all of the 1st round to fill it up, and then we have to wait an hour and a half to play on Guilin again. Alot of us in my Platoon would play on your server constantly if it was just Guilin 24/7 3200 tickets. Actually, I'm really surprised there isn't a 24/7 Guilin Server. I think it'd be more popular than alot of 24/7 Metro or Locker servers.
Oh, and any chance we can get a different autobalancer? One that doesn't kill someone to move them, and doesn't balance by rank, and let's people play with their friends?
Thanks guys!
10 years ago • 3
There is a 24/7 Guilin Server http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/9390b631-c1ad-4e27-b465-a21336f8cfba/OAF-Guilin-Peaks-24-7-34P-3200-Tickets-Noobs-Welcome/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago
this took me like a month to find, my other account in bf3 was a member and all of them over shadowed this one
10 years ago • 0
We've had some -SR- guys on the Metro server that need to be watched. Getting kills thru a building with a scar.
10 years ago • 0
May I suggest you put auto balance on your server it sucks right now. I just finished playing there 5vs1 . You want people to populate your server allowing this is not cool especially when no one the opposing team will switch. Your attracting pathetic visitors.
10 years ago • 0
I would like to request that the admins take another look at the balancing on the servers. Recently, I was in a squad with my friends and the balancing took me out of my squad and moved me to the other side.
10 years ago • 0
Zomg, a PLATOON!!!! Now, where's the free beer we were promised? :P
10 years ago • 0