[RSF] Rebel Special Forces

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Website: www.xfire.com/communities/rsfecho/ • Created: 2014-03-15

6,471 / 15,000

89h 44m
Rebel Special Forces was founded March 20, 1999 by RSF_Pilot, with about 40 members, and at the time was
solely based around X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter.

Over the years RSF has grown, and declined, and has supported games such as:
Rogue Spear, X-Wing Alliance, Joint Ops,
Ghost Recon,
Jedi Knight Dark Forces/Outcast/Academy, Battlefront, Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4,
BF2142/First Strike Mod,
and Call of Duty/Modern Warfare 1 and 2.

Today, while no longer in its prime, RSF still has dedicated members that actively game across a number of
platforms, and that are still dedicated to keeping things going forward.

Our current forums are located at the link provided on this page, please take the time to register there and read
the Code of Conduct, and say hello on the forums!

X-Fire is our preferred chat program, although it is not required to play with us here due to the integrated systems of battlelog!

If you are interested in checking out a more complete summary of our clan's history, and the original webpage,
visit www.rebelspecialforces.org and go to either the Hall of Legends section, and the About Us link.

RSF is open to everyone who seeks to join. You do not need be an active gamer, nor an inactive gamer. RSF is in summary a nice group of friendly people who play games by your side, and help you with all matters of stuff.

See you in the battlefield Soldier!


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?