Website: www.sid-gaming.de/index.php •
Created: 2014-02-27
11,619,934 / 3,306,000
4836h 13m
wir sind ein deutscher Battlefield-Clan und sind immer auf der suche nach Funplayern (+18).
Aber auch Spieler, die an einem Ligasquad teilnehmen wollen, sind bei uns Willkommen.
WE ARE RECRUITING : http://www.sid-gaming.de/index.php/ [sid-gaming.de]
Wir bieten:
In]S!D[e #1 | METRO ONLY - 1200T - No XM25 Airburst
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/5db27e93-ff0a-41c0-934c-25456a6b829f/In-S-D-e-1-METRO-ONLY-1200T-No-XM25-Airburst/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Schaut doch einfach mal bei uns vorbei.
http://www.sid-clan.de [sid-clan.de]
https://www.facebook.com/Team.Skill.Deluxx.SID [facebook.com]
kennt ihr seiten wo ich erkennen kann ob jmd hackt? ich weis es gibt solche seiten da kopiert man den battlelog namen rein und fertig dann sieht man alles,aber wie heissen diese seiten?
6 years ago • 0
hi. ill just leave this here for you https://bf4db.com/player/1762819574 [bf4db.com]
7 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/660df1fc-be19-4614-b4a7-fa45e0f77a40/SID-Gaming-Metro-1400T-No-Explosive-Shotgun-Mav/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
neuer Sid Server :) Mfg Fischi
neuer Sid Server :) Mfg Fischi
7 years ago • 1
like this
nachdem Euer Server leider down ist, haben wir jetzt mal einen angemietet ! :)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/2e8c2693-e5dd-4f01-bae9-e2088e913080/FUN-Metro-Only-No-Explosive-light-1600-Tickets-FUN/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Würde uns freuen, wenn wir Euch mal bergüßen dürfen !?
nachdem Euer Server leider down ist, haben wir jetzt mal einen angemietet ! :)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/2e8c2693-e5dd-4f01-bae9-e2088e913080/FUN-Metro-Only-No-Explosive-light-1600-Tickets-FUN/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Würde uns freuen, wenn wir Euch mal bergüßen dürfen !?
7 years ago • 1
like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_PVe0KSIgw [youtube.com] They ban him from his server but really he is a pro player :S
8 years ago • 0
Hello gent's, I was banned yesterday by metabans. In the game yesterday lot of players were complaining in chat that someone is hacking. I guess I am collateral damage :-). Your server Metro 60Mhz is my top favorite and BF4 game just done make any since to play anymore if I am banned there.
BTW I was never banned or hacking in my life anywhere. I don't even understand how this works.
Please to consider my kind appeal.
Thanks in advance!
BTW I was never banned or hacking in my life anywhere. I don't even understand how this works.
Please to consider my kind appeal.
Thanks in advance!
8 years ago • 0
hey guys,
ive got a problem with your server, i cant play on it because i get kicked by metabans.
metabans reason is a voteban on me cuz i once caught a cheater and the team on server didnt like this so they votebanned me with metabans. may u can exclude me from the metabans list?
ive got a problem with your server, i cant play on it because i get kicked by metabans.
metabans reason is a voteban on me cuz i once caught a cheater and the team on server didnt like this so they votebanned me with metabans. may u can exclude me from the metabans list?
8 years ago • 0
Gekickt worden mit dem Grund possible Cheat =D von androit140380. Ich kann dazu nur sagen. Lernt endlich spielen oder findet euch damit ab das es bessere Spieler gibt als ihr Noobs. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Atega-Prime
8 years ago • 0
danke für deine Nachricht. wir werden das prüfen. join doch mal bei uns im Teamspeak unter ts.sid-clan.de oder wende dich bei fragen an unsere Leader.
8 years ago
Hi, ich hab gerne bei euch auf dem Server gespielt meine letzte runde vor 6 Tagen, normal gespielt nach der runde geleavt nichts besonderes. Wollte heute Abend eine runde Metro daddeln werde ich plötzlich durch MetaBans gekickt mit dem grund "Disrespect against Admins"
obwohl ich allerer höchstens ein "gg" oder was zu einem Mate im Chat schreibe, könnte man diesen Bann rückgängig machen oder mir sagen was ich gepostet haben soll?
MfG Starmaeck
obwohl ich allerer höchstens ein "gg" oder was zu einem Mate im Chat schreibe, könnte man diesen Bann rückgängig machen oder mir sagen was ich gepostet haben soll?
MfG Starmaeck
8 years ago • 0
Hi guys,
H3iMDAll87 put me on whitelist because i had a ping of 129 and I always play on SID metro server, could someone please check if my name still there? I'm being kicked because of high ping now :s
Thanks a lot
H3iMDAll87 put me on whitelist because i had a ping of 129 and I always play on SID metro server, could someone please check if my name still there? I'm being kicked because of high ping now :s
Thanks a lot
8 years ago • 0
Hello everyone
i was banned from your server today for "suspect "hacking/cheating". It really hurt me beacause i love this server and the rules of your server, i have a lot of friend who played on (fidai, kiss, greyhound,so on...).
Im not a cheater , im just playing good without any cheats.
I posted 2 videos on youtube about my gameplay.
The link of the videos are on my profile, u could see how i play.
Can i talk with an admin ?
Regard SwagAk69
i was banned from your server today for "suspect "hacking/cheating". It really hurt me beacause i love this server and the rules of your server, i have a lot of friend who played on (fidai, kiss, greyhound,so on...).
Im not a cheater , im just playing good without any cheats.
I posted 2 videos on youtube about my gameplay.
The link of the videos are on my profile, u could see how i play.
Can i talk with an admin ?
Regard SwagAk69
8 years ago • 0
Did you guys enforce ping kicker lately? , my ping always 129 but lately I was being kicked because of it. Thanks.
Did you guys enforce ping kicker lately? , my ping always 129 but lately I was being kicked because of it. Thanks.
8 years ago • 0
metro or rush server ? if our servers are full ping limit is 120ms i will set you on whitelist. feel free to donate and keep our servers running.
8 years ago
Thanks to Ban this guy :
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/battlereport/show/1/723807223146939968/989340027/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/fr/battlereport/show/1/723807223146939968/989340027/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
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Hello guys
i play a long time on your server and i like it , but now i cant play on sid server because i got a ban from bp4u (the ban from bp4u is the same reason like mrbigyaser)
plz do something for me i like to play on your server and i cant .... sniffff ....
PS: Sorry for my english :)
i play a long time on your server and i like it , but now i cant play on sid server because i got a ban from bp4u (the ban from bp4u is the same reason like mrbigyaser)
plz do something for me i like to play on your server and i cant .... sniffff ....
PS: Sorry for my english :)
8 years ago • 0
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can you tell me when the unban is ok, because i try to connect SID server but nothing change , i cant play ... thx for help me
can you tell me when the unban is ok, because i try to connect SID server but nothing change , i cant play ... thx for help me
8 years ago
Hello there dear admins......i have been a big fan of your server for a long time its one of the few servers that i play on constantly....but i just had a bad experience with one of the admins.he nuked our team and when we tried to discuss it with him he just kicked me and my mate for no reason other than disagreeing with him and he wrote "stfu" in the kick reason.(i dont know what mentality he has but mine has freedom of speech in it and am pretty sure u guys have the same i have ) The admin name is MaJeSticSYR and u guys can check the chat to see what happened exactly and am pretty sure that you would be fair in this matter, and again thanks for creating a great server .Ps this happened between 22:45-23:00.
8 years ago • 0
The autobalancer on SID-CLAN.DE #4 | RUSH | INFANTRY ONLY | NO RULES | VOTEMAP is ruining squad play among friends. We have tried this the last couple of times we've been playing where one squad mate gets switched to the other team and locked into the team almost, making it impossible to switch back. We have identical clan tags and are all friends on battlelog. Can you make it so that it doesn't split up squads so much?
8 years ago • 0
Good idea to put voteban on your server, guys. Just got banned from your server (#4) because a rival clan (full of pricks) had enough members on it to voteban me. Cheers!
9 years ago • 0