[EVG] Evasive Gaming

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Website: www.evasivegamingclan.weebly.com • Created: 2014-02-27

3,408,864 / 3,306,000

2048h 59m
Welcome to EVG

Here is some basic info:
- There are 50+ members on the platoon
- There are 100+ members in the clan itself
- There is a competitive team for those who wish to tryout
- EVG casually plays Battlefield for fun as well!
- EVG has members of all ages, races and religion and does not discriminate.
- EVG isn't a Milsim, respect others, that's all we ask
- Each person is individually accounted for and you won't get lost in a crowd.
- Make sure to have fun!

Benefits of joining EVG

- There are people from all over the world in this platoon
- There are people of all ages
- Everyone is like family, there's a little picking on, but at the end of the day, everyone is there for you in times of need
- You can show off skills other than gaming such as recording, editing, graphics design, etc.
- The clan has all the social media up and running and you can help!

To join

1. Apply on Battlelog
2. Join the forums on our website (eastsepoyrangersclan.weebly.com [eastsepoyrangersclan.weebly.com])
3. Message one of our moderators (found below to find people to play with)
4. We appreciate if you be active on Battlelog, the forums and our social media sites! (found below)
5. Competitive Players Only apply for the team on Gamebattles.
8. Get the Kik messenger app and message Pride Nunnybunz.
9. If you wish to help the clan further, please message Pride Nunnybunz for how you may.
10. Play Battlefield!

Any questions? Please talk to a recruiter: ESR x Assault (Joey)

EVG believes in providing a fun environment for people to game in. There are hardcore players (the competitive team), and there are those who like to play pictionary with a repair tool (yes, that is a dick). Whatever you fancy, there's a place for you!


If you're interested in helping the clan you can do so in many different ways. You could donate, found on the website homepage! These donations would help to keep servers up, make better videos and livestreams and upgrade media sites! You could help with the media sites (post up-to-date things and gain us more followers/subs) , you could help us recruit, graphics design (making banners and emblems) or, you can livestream, record or edit! (There is a possibility of making money for recording or livestreaming, if you get us to the ability to monetize, you will acquire 10% of the profit EVG makes off your video/livestream!)

Please follow us/sub on our media sites!
Youtube: East Sepoy Rangers
Twitch: East_Sepoy_Rangers
Instagram: East Sepoy Rangers
Facebook: East Sepoy Rangers
Twitter: ESTSepoyRangers

Also join the forums on our website so we can keep in contact! www.eastsepoyrangersclan.weebly.com [eastsepoyrangersclan.weebly.com]

- Cinch Gaming
- Gamers Option

Use the code ESR2014 at Cinch Gaming or Gamers Option for 10% off your purchases!


To all Those applying

We'd love to have you on the team, but before we accept you, we'd like to simply talk. Either message a founder/leader on the platoon, or message someone on Xbox One. Thanks in advance, and see you on the Battlefield!
10 years ago • 4 likes
2 / 8 comments Read more
Inactivity possibly?
9 years ago
pride just got hardline can I come back now
9 years ago
Looking for a clan. Competitive play. Gamertag: SxY ObSeSsIoN. Best chopper pilot you'll ever see.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Im interested to "Join" Exodus, K,D 2.64. Very strategic player have over 300+ on Bf4 and Bf3 And Hardline.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Looking to compete? Tired of a ton of rules and kit restrictions? Check out Hardcore League
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/platoons/view/7221843289172180315/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
I have a pretty crappy k/d because my brother sometimes plays but I will try to get it back up.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Name Change!

Please comment on this

ESR is looking to change their name but keep the tag ESR.

Current Ideas:
- Elite Soldiers Retinue
- Elite Soldiers Rank
9 years ago • 0 Like

Elite Screaming Rangers
9 years ago
Check out the new ESR YouTube Video edited by Jason! (ChunkmonkeyIA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMxh4qyFJL0 [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Check out the ESR Hardline Mash-Up on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgHSqp-vBGM [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Looking to join a clan for more casual gaming just want a consistent group of people to play with. I'm on the west coast and normally on in the evenings. send me a message on here or on the Xbox one @ boomhauer10
9 years ago • 0 Like
Check out our partner oOClanOo on #Twitch Live! http://www.twitch.tv/ooclanoo [twitch.tv]
9 years ago • 0 Like
Can I join?
9 years ago • 1 Like
Iv'e been searching for a platoon for a while and this seems to be the one for me. Although I may not meet the requirements I hope you take me into consideration.

-I do have a mic
-I am above level 30 (37 to be exact)
-19h play time
-58.24% W/L ratio
-1.23 K/D

9 years ago • 1 Like
Correction: This is for Hardline
9 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
would like to jump in with you guys sometime...add me on live zombieNinJa823.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Upcoming balance changes confirmed
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/forum/threadview/2955065241073453637/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

- K10: Reduce bullet damage to 33
- Saiga and PTR: reduce recoil to bring more in line with Cop faction DMRs
- HCAR and HK51: reduce recoil to bring more in line with SCAR-H and SA-58
- .410 Jury: Increase damage per pellet to become more effective
- FMG-9 and M/45: Increase damage per round to 25 and push out falloff start range to make these weapons more effective
- Battlerifle min damage increased to 25 across the board
- AKM min damage reduced to 24
9 years ago • 0 Like
playing xbox one right now. looking for players to play with
9 years ago • 0 Like
i just applied for the platoon on 360..because i dont know anyones gamertag or how this clan works, can someone contact me on 360! my gamertag is UprisingGBR. Thanks :)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey i would love to join their clan
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey guys Bl0oD SuKkER here. I applied to ur platoon. i will be very grateful if u guys accept. THanks and Happy gaming :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Can i join you "platoon", im pretty mint at this game gonna be honest
10 years ago • 2 likes
10 years ago
I don't know Kenneth, can you?
10 years ago