[MG] Monkey-Gamers
Website: www.monkey-gamers.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
50,566,876 / 3,306,000
11560h 20m
Poo will be thrown...
Squadplay above all. Recruitment is OPEN. If you like squadplay and want to join us, then make a application on our forums. Read this first though! [monkey-gamers.com]
MG website: www.monkey-gamers.com [monkey-gamers.com]
Discord server: Monkey-Gamers Discord [discordapp.com]
BF4 server: Monkey-Gamers Squadplay [battlelog.battlefield.com]
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/cb811ccd-9ecc-4c4a-9493-e3b7392b0b50/DeadFriendsGaming-Com-DEFR-SquadPlay-Classic-Vanilla/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] bf4 server back up and LOD will be back on 17th Jan 2020 @ 2000 uk time as always
5 years ago • 0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezLTta0eD9Q [youtube.com]
Upload video, unban pls Remiflop!
Upload video, unban pls Remiflop!
8 years ago • 0
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Hello. I just got butthurt, and cant sit quiet. I was playing on AA shooting some tanks and infantry. And in one moment enemy team pressed me to my base in red zone. Just go one meter from red zone and 2 - 5 rockets incoming. I was waiting when my friends will push point and when i will have possibility to get out from base, but Duke just kicked me. I wanted to shoot 60-70 frags with no death but this was not to happen. Kicked just for 2-3 minutes trying to survive, I dont think that its fair.
8 years ago • 1
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Not Duke, as I remeber. It was lyo. And yes, I understand this butthurt. You can ask Honda, who was trying to push enemy team and help to our AA.
8 years ago
I have to agree with the person who has kicked you
Our rules are clear.
One of the most annoying thing when you can not shoot out a vehicle as it is always falling back to the base.
On Zavod you have plenty of options to get out (doesn't matter if RU or US).
Don't dig this to your heart, just get as lessons learned (I also was kicked before :) )
You are more than welcome, just respect our rules.
That kick
Our rules are clear.
One of the most annoying thing when you can not shoot out a vehicle as it is always falling back to the base.
On Zavod you have plenty of options to get out (doesn't matter if RU or US).
Don't dig this to your heart, just get as lessons learned (I also was kicked before :) )
You are more than welcome, just respect our rules.
That kick
8 years ago
Hey everyone,
I just got kicked for playing nice. It says hack or cheat but I haven't done any. Please let me know the exact reason and if possible also let me know about the Unban procedure bcuz I love playing in this server and I was a friendly and my squad mates loved me.
Looking forward to you positive reply.
I just got kicked for playing nice. It says hack or cheat but I haven't done any. Please let me know the exact reason and if possible also let me know about the Unban procedure bcuz I love playing in this server and I was a friendly and my squad mates loved me.
Looking forward to you positive reply.
8 years ago • 0
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Playing a lot on our server? Go ahead apply on our RegularMonkey platoon:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/9073003209058548724/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/9073003209058548724/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0
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You are doing it wrong, don't apply to this platoon, but RoMG (Regulars of Monkey-Gamers): http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/9073003209058548724/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago
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Hello JurijPietkowicz I was banned from you for bad language? But I did not use bad language! A polish friend told me this words in polish, he said it is how are you in polish! Please, I am from spain, I don't know what I said to you and I am really sorry! Please unbann me.
8 years ago • 1
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Basically you told admin that he is a dick/prick... juri can sort this one out. :D
8 years ago
Rly good server! Fun to play with you guys, this is how BF should be played! Thx guys!
8 years ago • 0
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Yeah, you can actually have a somewhat dynamic round of locker (or metro even :o ) on 48p.
8 years ago
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Why Sgt_Bacher and me was Banned from your Server by aalio?! Reason?????
8 years ago • 0
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Hey! I just got banned for Hacking by your admin sheppy1234. I would appreciate that you removed the ban because im definatly not hacking. Just because you cannot kill me while im in a tank does not mean im using hacks? I been playing BF for very long time, especially BF3 and i have a huge experience in vehicle gameplay. I tried to Contact you on TS or mumble but noone seem to be there so im forced to write here... /David
8 years ago • 0
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Remiflop can i get my bann away. That i talk with the word fuck. And that i get tired of engi in my tank in my sq but dont help out, a admin spwn on me but after asking it 3 times ingame and 2 times in chat. He go walking... so i get pist.. with 40% healt in tank.
8 years ago
Hi guys, I want to ask, if I could join your platoon? The MG-Server seems to be the only one in BF4-universe where people actually use ingame voip. Also teamplay is quite good here. I normally play as close quarter recon, setting some sneaky spawn beacon points. Medic and Gunner are also classes I quite like. I only play Engineer on Golmud Railway. Would be great if I could join you. Thx for an answer! CU donpietro
8 years ago • 0
Next time some background work before kicking players based on lies by some regular please :D
8 years ago • 0
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Hi Peet I have been trying to complete your request and suck your dick but I've been unable to find it.
9 years ago