[xLx] xXLeGioNXx

  • Founder
  • Leader
  • Leader

View all Members (37)

Website: legionsaclan.iclanwebsites.com • Created: 2014-02-28

5,869,951 / 3,306,000

2686h 53m

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDoiUojzuKw [youtube.com]


TDM Official -ll Legion South Africa ll- xXLeGioNXx [bf4stats.com]

http://g.bf4stats.com/I22Ehh8E/ps4/781230be-aa90-419b-9ca9-bf4e5e09ee9a.png [g.bf4stats.com]

Domination Official -ll Legion South Africa ll- xXLeGioNXx [bf4stats.com]

http://g.bf4stats.com/I22Ehh8E/ps4/735b714a-84be-44ab-8883-dbb96e3c7de6.png [g.bf4stats.com]

Rush Official -ll Legion South Africa ll- xXLeGioNXx [bf4stats.com]

http://g.bf4stats.com/I22Ehh8E/ps4/bf78ccc5-adc7-47e0-8902-fc9e4afe0be7.png [g.bf4stats.com]

Conquest Official -ll Legion South Africa ll- xXLeGioNXx [bf4stats.com]

http://g.bf4stats.com/I22Ehh8E/ps4/ed608129-bf9c-4aac-95b8-beffe95176cd.png [g.bf4stats.com]

✪ Achievemnts of xXLeGioNXx members:
BF4 - PS4:

✪ Wins 13
✪ Lose 0
✪ Draw 0

✪ Matches:

✪ 20/03/2014 - vs AWOL (DOM win 5-0) Prac match
✪ 03/04/2014 - vs IDX (DOM win 6-0) Prac match
✪ 08/04/2014 - vs AWOL (DOM win 6-0) Prac match
✪ 17/04/2014 - vs AMF (DOM win 4-0) Prac match
✪ 03/06/2014 - vs HH (DOM win 3-0) Prac match
✪ 12/06/2014 - vs AMF (Defuse win 2-0) League Match
✪ 17/06/2014 - vs AWOL (Conquest win 3-0) Prac Match
✪ 23/06/2014 - vs NiN (Defuse win 3-0) League Match
✪ 24/06/2014 - vs AMF (Domination win 3-0) Prac Match
✪ 26/06/2014 - vs OAP (Defuse win 3-0) League Match
✪ 03/07/2014 - vs MoM (Defuse win 3-0) League Match
✪ 03/07/2014 - vs ReCCe (Defuse win 2-0) League Match
✪ 03/07/2014 - vs GA (DOM win 3-0) Prac Match
BF4 - PS3:

✪ Wins 6
✪ Lose 2
✪ Draw 0

✪ Matches:

✪ 21/03/2014 - vs FBI ( Defuse win 3-0) Prac match
✪ 14/03/2014 - vs AWOL ( Defuse win 4-1) Prac match
✪ 01/04/2014 - vs GFY ( Domination win 3-0) Prac match
✪ 09/04/2014 - vs WSB ( Defuse win 5-0) Prac match
✪ 01/05/2014 - vs imf ( Defuse lose 2-3) Prac match
✪ 28/05/2014 - vs GFY ( Conquest/Dom win 4-0) Prac match
✪ 05/06/2014 - vs HH ( Conquest/Dom win 3-0) Prac match
✪ 26/06/2014 - vs AoV (5 Man Dom lose 0 - 4) Prac Match

✪ Wins 11
✪ Lose 0
✪ Draw 0

✪ Matches:

✪ 21/03/2013 - vs Latvija (CQ DOM win 4-0) Prac match
✪ 09/04/2013 - vs MoM (CQ DOM win 4-0) Prac match
✪ 11/04/2013 - vs NiN (CQ DOM win 3-0) League match
✪ 16/04/2013 - vs BHV (CQ DOM win 3-0) Prac Match
✪ 18/04/2013 - vs SAEF (CQ DOM win 3-0) League match
✪ 25/04/2013 - vs GFY-Y (CQ DOM win 3-0) League match
✪ 07/05/2013 - vs SzG (CQ DOM win 3-0) League quarter finals
✪ 08/05/2013 - vs HH (CQ DOM win 3-0) Friendly match
✪ 09/05/2013 - vs MoMS (CQ DOM win 3-0) League Semi finals
✪ 14/05/2013 - vs MoMS (CQ DOM win 3-0) Friendly match
✪ 16/05/2013 - vs LGD (CQ DOM win 3-0) League Finals

✪ Individual awards:

✪12 members was part of TEAM RSA
✪ nr1 AEK in RSA - Steph
✪ nr1 Recon in RSA - Destriere
✪ nr 1 Assault in RSA - Steph
✪ Achievemnts of EX SASS members:
✪ WINS = 50
✪ LOSS = 13
✪ DRAW = 3

Matches Can be Viewed Here [sassclan.enjin.com]

✪ Apex interactive SRL CHAMPS 2012 - SASS A (R20 000 worth of prizes)

✪ Apex interactive SRL 3rd Place 2012 - SASS B (R8 000 worth of prizes)

✪ Apex Interactive CQL CHAMPS 2012 - SASS A (R16 000 worth of prizes)

✪ DreamGear CQ DOM CHAMPS 2013 - LegionSAClan (R4000 worth of prizes)



Legion Website [legionsaclan.clanwebsite.com]

Facebook [facebook.com]

Twitch Live Stream [twitch.tv]

Youtube [youtube.com]

Twitter [twitter.com]

Sub-Forum [sagamer.co.za]

Legion Players Leaderboard [bf3stats.com]

South African Players Leaderboard [bf3stats.com]

Mr-Beefy_PS Youtube [youtube.com]

Prince_A_Pill Youtube [youtube.com]



✪ CLAN LEADER: Mr-Beefy_PS [battlelog.battlefield.com]

✪ COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER: RSA-Ace [battlelog.battlefield.com]

✪ RECRUITMENT OFFICER: Prince_A_Pill [battlelog.battlefield.com]

✪ BF4 PS4 Co-Leader: DiGGLiR [battlelog.battlefield.com]

✪ BF4 PS3 Co-Leader: Humernator [battlelog.battlefield.com]



✪ Leader:


✪ Leader:


✪ Leader:



✪ xXLeGioNXx



1.1. We play with honour at all times and treat others with respect. Always set a good example for guests to the server and always treat your teammates with the utmost respect.
1.2. You may not be a member of another clan upon acceptance to the clan.
1.3. Once a member of , wear your tags at all times.
1.4. Members of shall treat one another as they would a member of their own family, with respect, honour and hospitality. Do not be annoying or aggressive to your fellow members, this includes starting arguments, confrontations and generally putting someone else down. Your TEAM IS ALWAYS RIGHT and we will always back our own members in disputes even if our member is wrong we will not bring him down in front of other people


2.1. Cheating is not tolerated – i.e. lag switches, hacks or glitches (if you are unsure about whether something is against the rules, contact the clan leader).
2.2. Do not call hacks against players or other members. This includes jokes or references to hacks being used.
2.3. Talking about using hacks can lead immediate dismissal.
2.4. Unsportsmanlike-conduct will not be tolerated.


3.1. Make sure teams are even.
3.2. If it is possible, try to play with members and on the same side and server as other members. But keep the teams balanced first.
3.3. Be a team player. Heal teammates, replenish and repair. Use good communication and work toward the goals of the game. Counterproductive game play or horse play will not be tolerated during CLAN MATCHES.
3.4. Always play FAIR and play the objective. When playing as a TEAM with always support the team and be willing to execute orders WITHOUT QUESTION!
3.5. Assist inexperienced players. Give tips and new strategies. Help build them to be stronger.


4.1. Communication is vital to our success. It doesn’t cost anything to simply reply to correspondence via it be on Whatsapp or email communication is the back bone of any strong team, lose communication and the team will crumble.
4.2. Reply formally to all matches, practice and other official meet-ups in a timely manner. These are not easy to organise and any miscommunication set the team back. Messages will be sent individually and must be replied individually and not only in the team chat.
4.3. If you say you will be at a match, practice or a scrimmage - BE THERE. There will be certain compulsory dates, practice for serious matches and meetings, which will be held where members will be required to attend; inactive members will be removed from the clan.
4.4. When we get our asses handed to us in a match or scrimmage don't accuse ANYONE of anything or discuss things like this openly. If we lose or get our asses kicked, take it like a man and learn from it. If there is some "problem", discuss it first via email or direct message with one of the leaders or in the private forum with all members before discussing the situation with anyone else.

5.1. No offensive speech.
5.2. Aggressive behaviour towards players and other members will not be tolerated. Name calling, belittling speech, threats of violence or blackmail of any type will not be tolerated.
5.3. No posting about our clan on forums or sites outside of our clan site. Any official post made must be approved by a clan Communication Officer. This helps to keep the problems to a minimum.
5.4. No recruiting on other clan's servers or sites. Please respect the work of other groups. As well, recruiting/advertising by other clans or groups is not tolerated on our sites or servers.
5.5. Our actions in our community and outside of our community reflect on our clan. You are responsible for our image and reputation. Your actions must always follow our CoC and server rules.
5.6. rules apply even when in a public chat or forum, whether it belongs to or not. While the atmosphere appears leisurely in a chat room, conversation or forum, no member is to provoke or encourage an argument, insults, the discussion of offensive matters, or annoyances in any way to demean the name of .
5.7. If a member of or any other clan attacks or in some way attacks you in a chat, forum, conversation or even game you immediately report the matter. Never attempt to take the matter into your own hands.
5.8. No member shall exceed his or her mandate which may interfere with the functionality of Clan as a whole, will not seek out information known to not be of a matter concerning their rank class or job duty. Members shall not discuss matters of clan with foreign clans or those not serving within the clan itself


6.1. Only kick a person from a server if they break a rule or, if they are a non clan mate, to make room for a clan mate.
6.2 While acting as admin in legion server you will always act fair and make sure teams are balanced and keep legion members balanced on both sides and not only play to make your team win.
6.3. Banning is only for cheating/hacking, or serious offenses of breaking the rules.

Cherish these rules. There are no exceptions and you will be ultimately held to them!
Breaking the rules may result in disciplinary action.


We are currently looking to recruit vehicle specialists. If you feel you have what it takes, head over to our Recruitment Page [legionsaclan.clanwebsite.com] and fill in an application.
10 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 5 comments Read more
Ok ek admit lol jis my tjom ek het nou die dag weer probeer bf3 jol die graphics lyk of dit uit die 1940<s kom
10 years ago
prince your friend list is full
10 years ago
Can anyone get Beefy_PS to accept my application to Legion please people? He a needle in a haystack to get to accept My application. I started a new account to rectify any faults of happening in the future. PLEEEAAAAASSSE, I'm requesting anyone to twist his arm... The Noob... LOL
8 years ago • 1 Like
By the way... it's WahliedS requesting membership to Legion
8 years ago
Some old clips I put together, let me know what you think

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugn9FaaZEkg [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 1 Like
Could I please join this platoon?
8 years ago • 1 Like
Let me know if you are interested in an upcoming local 5v5 sqd obliteration tournament. Just make sure you have enough local players as no internationals will be allowed for this tournament
8 years ago • 0 Like
Morning Gents, Posted a thread on SA gamer to get a League/tournament for us SA chaps, want to keep it social but competitive, If you on SA gamer please leave your thoughts and suggestions.
There are a number of SA clans, think it would be a good way to meet new people and kindle old rivalries
9 years ago • 0 Like
hey, have come from HH it has gotin boring and i have left somi was wondering if i could join u guys because u are a very active platoon. i am on ps3, pls add me but i am friends with sponge hope u guys invite me. u can check me out.
10 years ago • 0 Like
For cw domination versus AVS (5vs5/8vs8/10vs10) (we have a server)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/user/FaTaL__Damag3/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/user/XPhotonmanX/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/user/HaaansTopo/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
For cw 5vs5/8vs8 domination, esl rules...add - PhotonmanX or I-BrutalDamag3-I. AVS have the server..
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks <3
10 years ago • 0 Like
QuaD vs xLx v5? add me.
10 years ago • 0 Like
How are you Gents and ladies doing?
Still jamming BF
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello XLX, you guys look like a good and our clan is just starting out and would like to have a clan battle. Would you be interested in an 8v8 dom? If not enough players are on than a 5v5. Or a5v5 defuse e-sport rules. If so contact Chaotic Revolution by clicking on my name. We can set up a time =) Thank you and have a good day.
10 years ago • 0 Like
xLx join VT5
10 years ago • 0 Like
lets set up a CW.. cR plays Defuse but we can try a x5 DOM.. add me
10 years ago • 0 Like
@knappe, I tried to accept your friend request but your friends list is full
10 years ago • 0 Like
5 vs 5 add me if u are interested thx !°-°
10 years ago • 0 Like
timaram unfriend someone
10 years ago • 0 Like
12 vs 12 cq?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Dom 5vs5 add me :)
10 years ago • 0 Like